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RNA (Ribonucleic acid)

RNA is the ribonucleic acid molecule composed of polynucleotide chains arranged in a single strand and folded onto themselves instead of pairing as a double helical strand.

The RNA (Ribonucleic acid) of the cell is similar to the DNA, with a basic structural difference. The RNA molecule is single-stranded, whereas the DNA is double-stranded. The RNA molecule is composed of alternative sugar (ribose) and phosphate groups, which form the backbone of the RNA’s structure.The structure of RNA modifies itself to form complex structures by folding into itself and adding modified base structures, which further affects the functioning of the RNA molecule. 

Composition of RNA (Ribonucleic acid)

The RNA structure consists of ribose nucleotides that are essentially nitrogenous bases attached to a ribose sugar which are connected by phosphodiester bonds.

The following bases are attached to the alternating sugar structure of the RNA:

  • Guanine (G)
  • Uracil (U)
  • Cytosine (C)
  • Adenine (A)

RNA structures are used by the cells to carry messages, transfer information, and carry amino acids to the site of translations, which manifests the formation of protein chains.

Types of RNA structures

The RNA or ribonucleic acid structures are present in various living organisms and viruses. The RNA structures are mainly single-stranded, but in certain specific cases, the RNA structures can also have a double strand.

An RNA virus utilises the RNA – structures or molecules instead of DNA molecules as its genetic base, and this phenomenon has the potential to lead to long-term illnesses and diseases in humans.

The functioning of the RNA and its synthesis is mainly dependent on:

  • Eukaryotes
  • Prokaryotes

Transcription: The process of generation of RNA structures from DNA.

Translation: The process of synthesis or formation of protein by the RNA structures.

There are certain specific RNA structures responsible for controlling the expression of the genes. They also have the potential to act as therapeutic agents for various human diseases and illnesses.

Now, three major types of RNA (Ribonucleic acid) are responsible for the process of protein synthesis such as mRNA (also known as the messenger RNA), tRNA (also known as the transfer RNA), and rRNA (also known as the ribosomal RNA).

  • mRNA (messenger RNA)

The mRNA is encrypted from the DNA, and it consists of a genetic blueprint that enables the formation of protein. The prokaryotes mRNA can synthesise protein production immediately, and it does not need to be processed or matured, unlike the eukaryotes mRNA.

The eukaryotic mRNA requires undergoing the process of maturation to synthesise the protein. A fresh batch of encrypted mRNA is known as pre-mRNA in the eukaryotes. In modern science, researchers comprehend mRNA’s functions and properties for developing anti-cancer cures due to its property of modifying cells.

  • tRNA (transfer RNA)

The tRNA performs the task of translating the protein from the mRNA. The primary purpose of tRNA is to carry the amino acid to the site of the ribosome complex through the enzymes called- Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. This enzyme helps in loading the correct amount of amino acids in the tRNA to be later on synthesised into protein.

  • rRNA (ribosome RNA)

The rRNA enables the formation of ribosomes, which is essential for the production of proteins. A whole ribosome consists of large and small ribosomal subunits. A ribosome consists of an exit (E), an acceptor (A) site, and a peptidyl (P) to combine the aminoacyl-tRNAs, and it connects the amino acids to form polypeptides.

RNA chemical structure

The RNA is formerly a single strand structure encrypted from the DNA. But, in certain situations, the presence of self-complementary sequences in the RNA leads to the intra-chain base-pairing and folding of the RNA molecule into complex structures, which can involve the formation of helices and bulge-like protrusions.

The former structure of the RNA is crucial for the functioning, stability, and production of ribose sugar and nitrogenous bases, which are later modified and transformed into various chemical chains and cellular enzymes.

These changes and modifications in the RNA molecules lead to the formation of distant chemical bonds between the RNA – structures which further strengthens the links between the distant RNA structures.

RNA (Ribonucleic acid) structures with weaker modifications can collapse or be destroyed easily.

Functions of RNA

  • The major function of RNA is to synthesise protein with the help of DNA that stores information and creates RNA. This process is called transcription. 
  • Proteins are essential for every living being and help in performing various functions. The process of synthesis of proteins with the RNA is called translation. 
  • RNA acts as the messenger between the DNA and the ribosomes.
  • It helps the ribosomes choose the correct amino acid for building new proteins.
  • These nucleic acids act as the structure molecules in the cell organelles of an organism.
  • They are responsible for the catalysis of various biochemical processes and also help in performing several cellular processes. 
  • RNA is also referred to as an enzyme, as it helps in performing the various chemical reactions in the body. 


RNA (Ribonucleic acid) is the messenger of biological information that is transferred from one generation to the next. It helps in the synthesis of proteins in the body, which is essential for the development of body parts. It also carries genetic information in the case of certain viruses where DNA is absent. RNA may be single-stranded, double-stranded, or even circular in shape in the case of different viruses depending upon their need. There are many RNAs that do not code for proteins. About 97% of the transcribed RNA is non-coding in eukaryotes, but they can be coded by their own RNA genes and help form proteins.


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