In this article, we have discussed the meaning of internal and external fertilization with examples.

Human fertilization is the combination of a human egg and sperm, taking place in the ampulla of the fallopian tube. The outcome of this combination, leads to the creation of a zygote cell, or fertilized egg, introducing parental expansion. Scientists revealed the concepts of human reproduction in the nineteenth century. External and internal fertilization are methods of reproduction that differ in the procedure and growth of the embryo.

Internal fertilization is categorized by sperm impregnating the egg within the female through the three methods including the oviparity in which the egg is rested outside the female body, ovoviviparity in which egg is rested within the female body, and viviparity where the advancement of the egg starts to take place inside the female body after which the egg starts to take birth.

External fertilization is categorized by the release of both sperm and eggs into an exterior environment where the sperm is observed to inseminate the egg outside the creature. 


Internal fertilization is the combination of an egg and sperm cell resulting due to sexual reproduction inside the feminine body. Internal fertilization, unlike external fertilization, conveys more control to the woman with reproduction. For internal fertilization to occur, there requires a technique for the male to present the sperm into the reproductive tract of the female.


In humans, internal fertilization is observed to occur inside the female body. The sperms are inserted into the female reproductive tract by copulation where it will impregnate the ovum. The masculine organism presents the sperms into the reproductive tract of the feminine. The sperm meets with the egg in the ampulla of the fallopian tube. This outcome is the establishment of a zygote that experiences mitosis to generate an embryo. The embryo is then set into the uterus of the female. The complete procedure of growth of the infant occurs inside the uterus. Once the embryo is completely advanced, it is brought out of the female womb.

In oviparity, inseminated eggs are placed outside the body of the female and mature there, receiving nutrition from the yolk that is a share of the egg. This happens in most skinny fish, several reptiles, some cartilaginous fish, many amphibians, pairs of mammals, and all birds. Reptiles and insects yield leathery eggs, while birds and turtles yield eggs with high absorptions of calcium carbonate in the shell, making them tough. These animals are called to be as oviparous.


The various merits of internal fertilization are as follows: 

  • Rise in the possibility of a meeting of the gametes and a better possibility of positive fertilization. More safety against external environments and hunters, and hence a better possibility of living until birth.
  • More careful in choosing their companions.
  • A reduced chance of withering of gametes.


The demerits of internal fertilization are:

  • Difficult to convey both male and female into intimate interaction.
  • Partial amount of progeny being generated at any specified time.
  • Greater risk of transferring diseases sexually.


External fertilization is a method of reproduction in which the sperm of a male organism inseminates the egg of a female organism exterior to the female body. It is distinguished with internal fertilization, in which sperm are introduced through insemination and then associate with an egg within the body of a female creature. External fertilization classically happens in water or a saturated area to enable the movement of sperm of the male to the egg of the female.


Almost all fishes, crustaceans such as crabs and shrimp, mollusks such as oysters, squid, and echinoderms such as sea urchins and sea cucumbers reproduce their young ones by spawning. Salmon are seen spawning in a narrow stream of water. Frogs, corals, mayflies, and mosquitoes also spawn to externally transport their sperms to the eggs.

Couples of fish that do not show spawning may exhibit engagement behavior. This permits the female to choose a specific male. The cause for egg and sperm release is called spawning reasons for the egg and sperm to be located in a small area, increasing the possibility of fertilization.

External fertilization in a marine environment guards the eggs against exposure to air. Show of spawning can affect a larger combination of the genes within a group, leading to complex hereditary variety and a greater possibility of species existing in an unfriendly environment. For sessile aquatic organisms like sponges, show spawning is the only method of fertilization and establishment of new surroundings.


The merits of the external environment are as follows:

  • Outcomes in the creation of a large figure of progenies.
  • Easier to find companions, as the released gametes can transmit through wind, water, etc.
  • Rise of more variations in the hereditary.


The demerits of external fertilization are:

  • Environmental threats such as hunters decrease the possibility of enduring the egg to mature.
  • Great sums of gametes drive unfertilized and unused.
  • Not assured that sperm will arise from interaction with the eggs.


There are differences between the two types of fertilization, namely internal fertilization, and external fertilization. Some of the differences are stated below:

Based on Meaning: Internal fertilization means the fusion of male and female gametes takes place inside the body, whereas external fertilization means fusion of male and female gametes takes place outside the body.

Based on Outcomes: In internal fertilization, a female partner lays fertilized eggs or a fully grown young one. In external fertilization, the female partner lays unfertilized eggs.

Based on survival of offspring: Offspring have a high chance of survival in internal fertilization whereas, in external fertilization, offspring have low chances of survival.

Based on Examples: Internal fertilization is seen in cows, dogs, humans, etc. External fertilization is seen in fishes, frogs, etc.


Human fertilization is the combination of a human egg and sperm, taking place in the ampulla of the fallopian tube. External and internal fertilization are methods of reproduction that differ in the procedure and growth of the embryo. Internal fertilization is the combination of an egg and sperm cell resulting due to sexual reproduction inside the feminine body. External fertilization is a method of reproduction in which the sperm of a male organism inseminates the egg of a female organism exterior to the female body.

In internal fertilization, a female partner lays fertilized eggs or a fully grown young one. In external fertilization, the female partner lays unfertilized eggs. Offspring have a high chance of survival in internal fertilization whereas, in external fertilization, offspring have low chances of survival.


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