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Harmful Microorganisms

Fungi, bacteria, protozoa and other harmful microbes are examples. They cause a variety of diseases in humans, animals, and plants, some of which are fatal. Microorganisms can harm not just the human body but also the food we eat. Pathogens are bacteria that cause disease.

Microorganisms are microscopic organisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye. A microscope is usually used to examine them. Microorganisms include bacteria, viruses, and certain molds. The majority of microbes are required for life on Earth. Some of them, however, are toxic to humans, animals, and plants and can cause sickness.

Microorganisms are dangerous in a variety of ways. Humans, plants, and animals are all affected by some of the microbes. Pathogens are the bacteria that cause disease.

Food, textiles, and leather can all be spoiled by microbes.

Bacteria, archaea, fungus (yeasts and moulds), algae, protozoa, and viruses are the major groups of microorganisms. Let us investigate their nefarious acts further.


Bacteria are the most prevalent microorganisms on the planet. They don’t have a core inside their bodies, and they don’t have organelles either. Positive bacteria, which have a thicker cell divider, and Negative microbes, which have a slimmer layer sandwiched between an internal and external film, are found inside microorganisms.

Bacteria, out of all the ‘living’ microorganisms, are the ones that cause the most illness in people, despite the fact that only a few of them are harmful.


Archaea can take the shape of a circular, rod, spiral, lobed, square, or aberrant object. There’s also an odd flat, rectangular-shaped species that lives in saltwater swimming pools. Some are single cells, while others form filaments or clusters. Until the 1970s, this group of creatures was categorised as bacteria. Many archaea have been discovered living under extreme conditions, such as high pressures, salt concentrations, or temperatures.


Fungi can be simple single-celled creatures or complex multicellular ones. They can be found in almost any location, but they prefer to dwell on land, particularly in soil or on plant fabric, rather than in the sea or freshwater.

A few are plant parasites that cause illnesses such as mildews, rusts, scabs, and canker. Fungal diseases in vegetation can cause a farmer to lose a lot of money. Fungi-motor diseases in animals are extremely rare. Athletes’ foot, ringworm, and thrush are examples of skin disorders that affect humans.


Protozoa is an informal term for a group of single-celled eukaryotes, both free-living and parasitic, that feed on organic substances such as microorganisms, organic tissues, and detritus.


Algae are a diverse category of aquatic creatures that are capable of photosynthesis. The majority of people are familiar with positive algae, such as seaweeds (which include kelp or phytoplankton), pond scum, or lake algal blooms.


Many experts regard viruses to be non-living organisms. They are made up of corrosive nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) and a protein covering. To reproduce, a virus (an infectious molecule) needs a host cell. An infection enters a human cell, grabs it, and then uses it to replicate within the human life systems.

These viruses are dangerous, and if they get into a person’s body, they can cause a significant health problem that takes a long time to cure or an illness that is incurable. HIV is an excellent example of a virus that causes death in humans.

Microorganisms Causing Diseases

In Humans

  • Pathogens enter our bodies via the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we consume. They can also be spread by animals or by direct contact with an affected person.
  • Communicable illnesses are microbial infections that can transmit from an infected person to a healthy person by the air, water, food, or personal contact. Cholera, the common cold, chicken pox, and tuberculosis are examples of such diseases.
  • Fine droplets of moisture carrying thousands of viruses are distributed in the air when a person with a common cold sneezes. While breathing, the virus might enter a healthy person’s body and cause infection.
  • Some insects and animals serve as carriers for disease-causing microorganisms. One such carrier is the housefly. The flies congregate around garbage and animal waste. Pathogens cling to their hosts’ skin. These flies may spread infections if they land on uncooked food. Anyone who consumes the tainted food is likely to become ill.
  • Mosquitoes are water-breeders. As a result, water should not be allowed to gather anywhere, such as in coolers, tyres, or flower pots.

In Animals

Anthrax is a bacteria that causes a deadly sickness in humans and cattle. A virus causes foot and mouth disease in cattle.

In Plants

Diseases are caused by a variety of microorganisms in plants such as wheat, rice, potato, sugarcane, orange, apple, and others.

Crop yields are reduced as a result of the diseases.

Food Poisoning

Food poisoning could be caused by eating food that has been spoiled by bacteria. Toxic chemicals are sometimes produced by microorganisms that live on our food. The food becomes poisoned as a result, causing significant disease and even death. As a result, it is critical that we preserve food to avoid spoilage.


We are surrounded by microorganisms. Our surroundings are home to billions of minute species, from the chair we sit in to the keyboards we type on. Furthermore, bacteria that live in our gut play a crucial part in our digestive health. Microorganisms are harmful not only to humans, but also to the food we eat. They can multiply on food and produce harmful compounds, resulting in food poisoning. Pasteurization, salting, boiling, and other methods of food preservation are used to prevent food poisoning.


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