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Difference between Monocytes and lymphocytes

In this article we are going to discuss the monocytes and lymphocytes and difference between monocytes and lymphocytes and also we will discuss monocytes functions and lymphocytes functions.

A monocyte is a form of phagocyte and a type of white blood cell. Enlarge. Cells in the blood. White blood cells (monocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, and macrophages), red blood cells (erythrocytes), and platelets are all found in the blood.Lymphocytes are immune system cells that float about in the bloodstream. T cells and B cells are the two major types of lymphocytes. Antibody molecules produced by B cells can hook on to invading viruses or bacteria and destroy them.


Leukocytes, or white blood cells, include monocytes. They are the most common form of leukocyte and can divide into macrophages and traditional dendritic cells. Monocytes play a role in adaptive immunity in vertebrates as part of the innate immune system. Based on their phenotypic receptors, human blood contains at least three subclasses of monocytes.


 Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell that can be found in the bloodstream (or leukocyte). They aid in the fight against infections in an organism. All vertebrates have these in their immune systems.  Lymphocytes account for 20 to 40% of all white blood cells in adulthood. They are detected in the bloodstream and are concentrated in central lymphoid organs and tissues such as the spleen, tonsils, and lymph nodes, where the initial immune reaction is most likely to occur.

Difference between monocytes and lymphocytes:-

The main difference between monocytes and lymphocytes is that monocytes are in charge of phagocytosing pathogens, whilst lymphocytes are in charge of inducing a specific immune response. Monocytes can also enter organs and change into macrophages or dendritic cells, whereas lymphocytes circulate. 

White blood cells circulating in the blood are divided into two types: monocytes and lymphocytes. They’re both agranulocytes as well.

Functions of monocytes:-

Monocytes are mechanically active cells that move from the bloodstream to the site of inflammation to carry out their duties. In the immune system, monocytes and their offspring, macrophages and dendritic cells, have three basic tasks. Phagocytosis, antigen presentation, and cytokine production are the three. Phagocytosis is the process of microorganisms and particles being taken in, then being digested and destroyed. Monocytes can phagocytose pathogens by binding to them directly via pattern-recognition receptors, or by employing intermediary (opsonizing) proteins such as antibodies or complement, which coat the pathogen. Monocytes can also use antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity to kill infected host cells. A cell that has recently phagocytized foreign materials may show signs of vacuolization.

Structure of monocytes:

Monocytes are the biggest cells in the blood, with diameters ranging from 14 to 20 m. An irregular cell shape, an oval or kidney-shaped nucleus, cytoplasmic vesicles, and a high nucleus to cytoplasm ratio are all physical characteristics of the cells (3:1).

Function of Lymphocytes:- 

White blood cells called lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell. Their primary job is to act as a component of the immune system. Their varied roles let them to effectively respond to and eradicate foreign intruders in the body. They develop antibodies that are particular to them. This aids in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. T lymphocytes aid in cell-mediated responses, while B lymphocytes provide humoral immunity.

Structure of Lymphocytes:-

By Romanowsky polychromatic stains (e.g., Giemsa or Wright) of air-dried films, most lymphocytes in normal blood are tiny with an ovoid or kidney-shaped nucleus that stains purple, has densely packed nuclear chromatin, and fills roughly 90% of the cell area.


Leukocytes, or white blood cells, include monocytes. They are the most common form of leukocytes and can divide into macrophages and traditional dendritic cells. Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell that can be found in the bloodstream (or leukocyte). They aid in the fight against infections in an organism. Monocytes are mechanically active cells that move from the bloodstream to the site of inflammation to carry out their duties. In the immune system, monocytes and their offspring, macrophages and dendritic cells, have three basic tasks. Phagocytosis, antigen presentation, and cytokine production are the three. Phagocytosis is the process of microorganisms and particles being taken in, then being digested and destroyed.


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