In this article we will learn about contractile vacuole, diagram of contractile vacuole and the contractile vacuole of amoeba and its uses.

Contractile vacuole, a spherical regulating organelle found in freshwater protozoa & lower metazoans like sponges and hydras that absorbs surplus fluid from protoplasm & periodically empties it into surrounding media. 

It’s also possible that it excretes nitrogenous wastes. It moves with the animal’s movement in amoebas; it follows a fixed path through the cell in most ciliates; and it remains stationary in Euglena and other flagellates. Depending on the species, the filling and emptying cycle might span anywhere from seconds to minutes.

The contractile vacuole is a type of vacuole that controls the amount of water within a cell. Solute concentrations in freshwater environments are hypotonic, meaning they are lower outside than inside the cell. 

Osmosis allows water from the external environment to collect in the cell under these conditions. The contractile vacuole is a protective mechanism which stops the cell from accumulating too much water and, as a result, lysing (rupturing) due to internal pressure.

The contractile vacuole, as the name implies, contracts to evacuate water from the cell. The contractile vacuole grows (collects water) and contracts (expels water) on a regular basis. Based on the species as well as the osmolarity of the environment, a cycle can take several seconds. The point at which water begins to flow into the reservoir.

Depending on the species, the number of contractile vacuoles per cell varies. Dictyostelium discoideum, Paramecium aurelia, and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii all have one, but large amoeba like Chaos carolinensis have many. Because the number of contractile vacuoles for each species is nearly consistent, it is used to characterize species in systematics. 

Membrane folds, tubules, water tracts, and tiny vesicles are all features linked to the contractile vacuole in most cells. The spongiome is the name given to these structures; the contractile vacuole and the spongiome are also referred to as the “contractile vacuole complex” (CVC). The spongiome is involved in water transport into the contractile vacuole as well as the cell’s localization and docking of the contractile vacuole.



For many years, the mechanism by which water enters the CV remained a mystery, but various findings made since the 1990s have enhanced our understanding of the situation. Water might hypothetically pass through the CV membranes by osmosis, but if the inside of CV is hyperosmotic to the cytoplasm (greater solute concentration). 

The finding of proton pumps in the CV membrane and the direct determination of ion concentrations inside the CV using microelectrodes led to following model: protons are pumped into or out of the CV, causing various ions to enter.

Some proton pumps, for example, function as cation exchangers, pumping a proton out of the CV while simultaneously pumping a cation into it. In other circumstances, protons pushed into the CV drag anions (carbonate, for example) with them to maintain pH balance. 

As a result of the ion flux into the CV, the osmolarity of the CV rises, and water enters the CV via osmosis. Water has been demonstrated to enter the CV through aquaporins in at least some species.

In response to osmotic stress, acidocalcisomes are thought to work alongside the contractile vacuole. They were discovered in the region of the vacuole in Trypanosoma cruzi, and when the cells were exposed to osmotic stress, they fused with the vacuole. Acidocalcisomes are thought to dump their ion content into contractile vacuole, increasing the osmolarity of the vacuole.


The amoeba is a single-celled creature. A contractile vacuole does exactly what its name implies: it begins to contract. The contractile vacuole’s job is to pump water out of the cell through a process known as osmoregulation, or osmotic pressure regulation. As a result, osmoregulation is the primary function of contractile vacuoles in amoebas and other organisms.

It controls osmotic pressure within the cell. Vacuoles are indeed the organs in Amoeba that regulate osmoregulation. It regulates the amount of salt & water in a cell. If the salt concentration inside the body is higher, the water is absorbed, whereas if the salt concentration is lower than the surrounding environment, the extra water is expelled.


Although higher creatures lack the CV, some of its distinctive properties are employed by the former in their very own osmotic processes. As a result, studying the CV can help in understanding how osmoregulation works with all species. Many concerns concerning the CV remain unresolved as of 2010:

  • Contraction. It’s exactly what causes the CV membrane to constrict, or whether it’s an energy-intensive active activity or a passive collapse of the membrane. Actin and myosin, two key contractile proteins present in many cells, are thought to be involved, but the evidence is mixed.

  • Membrane structure. Although numerous proteins (VH+ATPases, aquaporins) are known to adorn the CV membrane, a full list is lacking. The membrane’s composition, as well as its similarities & differences from other cellular membranes, are unknown.

  • The CV’s contents. Ion concentrations have been found inside some of the largest CVs, but not in the smallest ones, according to several investigations (such as in the important model organism Chlamydomonas reinhardtii). The reasons for ion exchange between CV and the cytoplasm are not completely understood.


In eukaryotic cells, especially protozoa as well as certain unicellular algae, a contractile vacuole is a specialised form of vacuole. It helps with osmoregulation. Osmoregulation is the process of controlling water potential within a cell or organism in order to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in relation to the environment. It’s necessary because it keeps the cell’s osmotic pressure at an ideal level. It allows the cell to maintain the appropriate amount of concentration of solutes plus water. The cell of aquatic unicellular organisms like protozoa and algae is hypertonic in comparison to its surroundings, which means that the inside of the cell contains a higher concentration of solutes than the surrounding environment. As a result, osmosis causes the water to flow into the cell. The contractile vacuole helps to prevent excessive water influx, which can injure the cell and cause it to burst (lysis). To discharge water from the cell, the contractile vacuole contracts (thus, the name). Systole refers to the time when water leaves the contractile vacuole and diastole refers to the time when water flows into it.


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In biology, what is a contractile vacuole?

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