Through sexual contact with infectious lesions of the mucous membranes or abraded skin, or through blood transfusions, syphilis can be passed from one person to another or from a pregnant woman to her foetus. If left untreated, the disease can last for many years and progress through several stages. Those who have early syphilis have primary syphilis, secondary syphilis, and early latent syphilis, whereas those who have late syphilis have late latent syphilis as well as tertiary syphilis. When primary syphilis occurs, it typically manifests as an isolated, painless chancre at the site of inoculation, which is usually in or around the vaginal area, penis, or anus.
1. This is the cause of Syphilis.
- The parasite Treponema pallidum
- Entamoeba histolytica is a type of parasite.
- Plasmodium parasite
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a type of bacteria.
Answer: Here the correct answer is option(A)
Explanation: Syphilis is caused by a bacterium known as Treponema pallidum, which is found in the soil. While engaging in sexual activity, the most common way for syphilis to be transmitted is through direct contact with an infected person’s sore. Minor cuts or abrasions in the skin or mucous membranes allow the bacteria to enter the body and cause infection. Syphilis is contagious during the primary and secondary stages of the disease, as well as during the early latent period in some cases.
2. Syphilis is a term that is frequently used.
- The dictator who cannot be seen
- The world’s greatest imitator
- The apocalyptic figure of the great terminator
- The emperor who terrorises the people
Answer: Here the correct answer is option (B)
Explanation: Syphilis has earned the nickname “the great imitator” due to the fact that it can cause symptoms that are similar to those of many other diseases. It is most often transmitted through sexual activity that Syphilis is spread. The disease can also be passed from mother to child during pregnancy or at birth, resulting in congenital syphilis in the child.
3. During this stage of the antibody test, it is discovered that it is positive between 1-3 weeks after the appearance of the chancre.
- Primary syphilis is the first stage.
- the stage of secondary syphilis
- The tertiary syphilis stage of the disease
- all of the foregoing
Answer: Here the correct answer is option (A)
Explanation: Syphilis is a contagious infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum that is transmitted through sexual contact. During the a total of cases of primary and secondary syphilis were reported in the United States, with the rate of infection increasing in certain subgroups, such as men who have sexual contact with other men. Clinical findings and serologic testing are the most common methods of diagnosing the disease. However, there is no single serologic test for syphilis that is reliable. As a result, the detection of two types of antibodies is required for the serologic diagnosis of syphilis (nontreponemal antibodies and treponemal antibodies). In many centres, the paradigm in syphilis testing has recently shifted from screening with a treponemal antibody test to reflexing to a nontreponemal test if the treponemal antibody test is positive. This shift in paradigm has occurred recently. Clinical practitioners might be unfamiliar with this reversal of the traditional algorithm.
4. With the exception of, all of these are considered differential diagnoses for the primary genital lesion of syphilis.
- Infection with the herpes zoster virus
- Donovanosis is a disease that affects the kidneys.
- Injuries resulting from a traumatic event
- the chancroid
Answer: Here the correct answer is option(A)
Explanation: Syphilis must be distinguished from other common diseases that cause rash, such as measles, rubella, Kawasaki disease, and mononucleosis, in order to be treated effectively. Syphilis shares symptoms with other genital infections such as chancroid, condyloma acuminata, genital warts, herpes simplex, and herpes zoster. Syphilis also has symptoms that are similar to those of chancroid.
5. The following are examples of experimental entities that are used in the study of syphilis:
- Rabbits are a type of animal.
- Chimpanzees are a type of ape.
- none of the foregoing
- Both (a) and (b)
Answer: Here the correct answer is option(D)
Explanation: A rabbit model of congenital syphilis was created by injecting high doses of the bacterium Treponema pallidum into the veins of pregnant women over a period of time. There were 48 pregnant mothers and 394 babies evaluated in all.
6. Today, the most commonly used test for syphilis is the syphilis antigen test.
- Wassermann’s etymology
- Wassup is an abbreviation for Wassup
- Waterman & Company, Inc.
- The Waterman
Answer: Here the correct answer is option(A)
Explanation: The Wassermann test, also known as the Wassermann reaction (WR), is an antibody test for syphilis that is based on complement fixation and was named after the bacteriologist August Paul von Wassermann. Syphilis was diagnosed using this test, which was the first of its kind in the nontreponemal.
7. This stage has been found to be the most infectious of all the stages.
- The tertiary stage of syphilis
- the initial stage of syphilis
- the stage of secondary syphilis
- all of the foregoing
Answer: Here the corrcet answer is option(C)
Explanation: Some people may be unaware that they have syphilis because they are not experiencing any symptoms. A sore (ulcer) on the genital area (including the penis or vaginal area), anus, or mouth is the most common symptom of first stage syphilis, which is highly contagious.
8. Syphilis is a complicated and organised sexually transmitted disease in which the causative agent is the herpes simplex virus type.
- a type of bacteria
- a spirochete, or a spirochete-like organism
- a type of fungus
- an infection caused by a virus
Answer: Here the correct answer is option(A,B)
Explanation: Syphilis is a highly contagious disease that is spread primarily through sexual activity, which includes oral and anal sex, among other methods. The infected person is frequently unaware that they are infected and thus transmits the disease to their sexual partner without realising it.
9.rosyphilis is a disease that affects the nervous system.
- A kidney infection caused by syphilis is a medical condition.
- syphilis-related liver infection is defined as follows:
- a major illness of the nervous system has developed.
- a serious illness affecting the eyes of newborn babies caused by syphilis
Answer: Here the correct answer is option(C)
Explanation: The bacteria Treponema pallidum is responsible for the transmission of neurosyphilis. Syphilis is caused by a bacteria called Staph aureus. It is common for a person to develop neurosyphilis 10 to 20 years after contracting syphilis for the first time. There are some people who contract syphilis who do not develop this complication.
10.hilis chancre is discovered in the tenth position
- Only the genitals are covered.
- the throat, chest area, and vaginal region
- the genitals, the anus, the rectum, the vagina, the lips,
- tocks, back, arms, and legs
Answer: Here the correct answer is option(C)
Explanation: The chancre is typically the first cutaneous lesion to appear, appearing 18–21 days after the infection has occurred. A small red papule or a crusted superficial erosion are the most common signs of an impending chancre. The papule develops into a round or oval, indurated, slightly elevated papule with an eroded but not ulcerated surface that exudes a serous fluid after a few days to a few weeks. It has a cartilage-like consistency to the touch when touched. A painless lesion is usually, but not always, associated with the lesion. This is the basic or classic hunterian chancre, which is uncomplicated. Regional lymph nodes on one or both sides of the neck are typically enlarged, firm, and nontender, and they do not suppurate or become inflamed. Adenopathy appears one or two weeks after the onset of the chancre. When the hunterian chancre heals, it leaves no visible scar.