With a growing population and changing lifestyle, human beings encounter many health problems from less significant to serious ones. Venereal disease are the ones which are less talked about due to hesitation and also the lack of knowledge of such disease eventually leads to a serious issue which might now be resolved at the later stages. It is important to know and make people aware of such diseases so that they can save themselves from future problems and inconvenience. Anyone can suffer from venereal diseases but timely treatment can prevent the problem from being worse.
Venereal Diseases (VD) are generally found in people who get involved in physical relation without protection. It can transfer from one partner to another. These diseases are often spread by blood or semen or other varieties of secretions from the body of the infected partner. Pathogens of these diseases can be bacterial or viral in types. These are known as STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease). Also, Venereal diseases can be transmitted from one body to another without sexual interaction also. The non- sexual interaction includes the spread of pathogens from the body of mother to the body of baby, it can happen while pregnancy of the women or it can also occur if the birth- canal is infected by the pathogens of such diseases. Infected injections are another major source of venereal diseases. Due to carelessness of hospital staff or sometimes by mistake, the drug abuse which is intravenous can be a major source of this problem. Sometimes the blood products used for a patient are infected by venereal diseases, and are also a cause of spreading of venereal diseases in others.
As per the report of CDC (Centers for Disease Control), more than 20 million cases of venereal diseases are being reported in the USA itself.
Names of some Venereal Disease
HIV – HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the most common type of venereal disease seen across the globe. It often happens due to infected needle and unsafe sexual intercourse. It is a kind of lentivirus which belongs to the family of retrovirus. The infection of HIV proceeds towards a syndrome known as AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). As the name suggests, it destroys the immune system of the infected person and causes deadly infections inside the body. It copies and increases rapidly. It attacks on a specific variety of WBCs (White Blood Cells) and also demolishes the T-helper cells. This disease is life-threatening as the person infected from it can survive only 10 years on average. If a person receives the treatment on time, it can be cured.
To save people from HIV and AIDS, the Indian government came with an act known as HIV and AIDS (Prevention and Control) Act in 2017. The act was enforced in 2018. Under this, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare ensures that Every person in India infected from this disease gets the ART (Antiretroviral Therapy). It gives counseling and spreads awareness about the disease. NACO (National AIDS Control Organization) works for prevention and control of this deadly venereal disease in India.
Human Papillomavirus- This is also one in the list of most widely spread venereal diseases. Millions of people are suffering from this disease.
Besides these two, Syphilis, Chancroid, Gonorrhea, Trichomoniasis, Chlamydia, Genital Warts, Genital Herpes are some prevalent venereal diseases in the world.
How are venereal diseases detected?
These are various tests to detect these diseases like – PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), DNA (Deoxynucleic Acid) hybridisation, examination through microscope, antibody detection by ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) and also the culture is some test to confirm the venereal disease in a person.
Treatment Modalities
For bacteria and infection due to parasites, an antibiotic is sufficient to save the patient. It is very necessary to complete the prescription, take all doses carefully from time to time. For major infections, i.e. HIV, an antiviral drug is prescribed by the doctor. After completing the prescription, you should consult the doctor again and get tested again to make sure if you are out of infection or not.
Venereal disease often spread due to unsafe sexual intercourse. Its pathogens transmit from one infectious person to another. Sometimes it gets transferred from mother to baby and infectious needles or blood used in hospitals can also cause spread of this disease. HIV, Human Papillomavirus, Syphilis, Chancroid, Gonorrhea, Trichomoniasis, Chlamydia, Genital Warts, Genital Herpes are some prevalent venereal diseases in the world.