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STD Full Form

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections you can get from having sex with someone infected. Learn about prevention, testing, and treatment.

 STD stands for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, sometimes also referred to as venereal diseases or Sexually Transmitted Infections. These are various diseases are spread from one person to another especially due to vaginal intercourse, anal sex or oral sex. The main cause of these infections or diseases is Bacterial infection, transmission, viral infection, parasites, etc. In this article, we’ll see about major STDs, their cause of spreading and their prevention.

Some Major STDs

  1.     Chlamydia

        It is an STD caused by a bacteria known as Chlamydia Trachomatous. It is a disease that can be cured by antibiotics. Its symptoms in women include burning during urination, abnormal vaginal discharge and sometimes it doesn’t show any symptoms. In men, the same symptoms can be seen as burning during urination and abnormal discharge. If it is not seen and not treated it may lead to PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease). Which can cause infertility in women and other problems during pregnancy.

  1.     Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

        It is a common disease found in people of the United States. It is a disease that can have 40 plus different variants and can cause many health problems. Usually, the human immune system automatically treats this disease. But sometimes it may not and lead to serious consequences such as cervical cancer or genital warts and other HPV cancers. It’s important to go for a check-up if the smallest symptom is found and let it not go to any advanced stage. There are vaccines available for women named Cervarix and Gardasil. This STD can be passed during genital intercourse or oral sex.

  1.     Gonorrhoea

        This is another disease caused by bacteria that live in moist membranes of the mouth, throat, urethra, etc. This infection can spread through contact with sexual organs and the mouth. However, symptoms of these can be seen frequently within 2-3 days or sometimes within a month. Symptoms are, pain while urinating, penile discharge, swollen testicles, etc. in men and women it is severe pain lower abdomen, fever, painful sexual intercourse, burning while urinating and some others. Most cases of Gonorrhoea can be treated with antibiotics.

  1.     Trichomoniasis

        This disease can be caused by the infection of a parasite known as Trichomonas Vaginalis. This is a kind of common disease and can be treated with an effective antibiotic called metronidazole. Trichomoniasis can be found in both men and women, but most symptoms are found in women.

  1.     HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

        HIV is a viral infection that decreases the human body’s immune system by killing its WBC (White Blood Cells), especially CD4 cells (CD4 is a WBC) that fights various infections. The main reasons for the spread of HIV are, sexual activities, contact with infected blood, childbirth, breastfeeding, and from a mother to a child during birth. This means it can be transferred from generation to generation.

HIV has a few stages of infection in the human body namely, primary infection, asymptomatic stage, symptomatic infection and when it’s at its advanced level it is called AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). During the primary stage, an infected person can have flu-like symptoms, which can disappear after 2-3 weeks. But inside it is spreading and next time its symptoms can be seen it makes the immune system much weaker. Most people with AIDS fall prey to this immunodeficiency disease and sometimes die. Today, drugs like antiretroviral (ARVs) are available for the treatment of HIV. However, it only suppresses the virus and can still be spread to others.


            Similar to the above STDs, some other major diseases are Herpes, Syphilis, Ureaplasma Infection, Zika Virus, Scabies, Crab Louse, Herpes Simplex, Viral Hepatitis, Granuloma Inguinale, Mycoplasma Genitalium, Mycoplasma hominis and Chancroid.  



            As STDs spread their spreading can be reduced and sometimes a person can be protected by some STDs by following:

  • Vaccinations for some diseases can protect from diseases such as Hepatitis A and B and some variants of HPVs. The vaccine for Gonorrhoea is under research and will be available in the coming years
  • STDs can be avoided to spread from one human to another by using male and female condoms during sexual activities as a barrier in genital contact. However, sometimes uncovered areas get in touch with the genitals and can cause the risk of spreading
  • Behavioural counselling can be conducted for sexually active people who are at an increased level of risk. This method can lead to the usage of personalized goals and strategies for the avoidance and prevention of STDs
  • One of the most effective ways of preventing the spreading of STDs is avoiding body or any fluid contact with other persons. And proper use of condoms. However, some strong diseases may still spread by using condoms
  • Testing should be kept an option for both partners before going for any sexual activity if they are thinking they have any kind of symptom or have been with any other partner. It is best said to have only one partner or reduce the number of sexual partners
  • Some other preventions are the usage of Caps and Diaphragms that usually protect against STDs but are not effective against HIV
  • Evidence is seen in the improvement of sexual and reproductive health of young people by providing good education on sexual and reproduction activities and usage of contraceptives and other protections


            To sum up STD stands for Sexually Transmitted Diseases such as HIV, Gonorrhoea, HPVs, Chlamydia, etc. HIV is one of the dangerous diseases which can be treated in its primary stage but may be very breath-taking during the advanced stage. STDs spread from human to human by genitals and fluid contact. However, some of the diseases can be cured or prevented from spreading by using vaccines and using various protection methods.


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What symptoms can be seen of STD in females?

Answer:   Some basic symptoms in fema...Read full

Which all STDs can be cured?

Answer: Bacterial STDs can be sometimes cured by using antibiotics provided by doctors. But in the case of a viral S...Read full

How can a person live life normally after having any STD?

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Which all are the STDs that cannot be cured?

Answer:  Viral diseases such as HIV, genital herpes and cytomegalovirus cannot be cured. However, their symptoms an...Read full

Which countries have the highest number of HIV and AIDS patients?

Answer:   According to the CIA world factbook and UNAIDS website, South Africa has a maximum number of HIV/AIDS p...Read full