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LASER Full Form

Full form of LASER is Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The principle of LASER light is based on the principle of radiation. Click here!

LASER is a light device in which light is produced by stimulating atoms or molecules. Light is emitted at a specific wavelength in a LASER, and light is amplified from a LASER to produce a typical narrow beam of light radiation. The emitted light radiation from a LASER usually produces a limited range of ultraviolet waves and visible, infrared rays. Scientists, for different purposes, develop different types of LASER light. The LASER light was first developed by scientist Theodore H. Maiman. The different types of LASER light are deferred from each other for the sources of light and type of light produced from the laser. The principle of LASER light depends on the stimulated emission of light, which was first observed by Rudolf Walther Landenburg, a famous German Physicist.


The emission of light from LASER is formulated and designed by the quantum mechanical rules in physics. According to the rules, the limited numbers of molecules and atoms have a limited amount of stored energy, depending on the nature of atoms or molecules. According to the electron configuration of atoms, the lowest energy level of an atom is possible when the electrons of the atoms are possibly peasant at the nearest orbit from the atom’s nucleus. This physical state of an atom is known as the ground state. At the ground state, the electrons of the atoms are tightly bonded with the nucleus and cannot move in another orbit. But when one or more electrons of an atom absorbs energy from an external source, the electrons start to move to the out layer orbits, and this condition is known as excited states of the atom. Excited states of atoms are not generally stable because the electrons in excited states move from higher energy orbital to lower energy orbitals which cause the emission of extra energy in the form of light rays.

The famous scientist Albert Einstein has recognized the two ways of LASER light emission. In the LASER, light photon particles are emitted spontaneously without any interventions. That stimulates the molecules or atoms, and the electrons of the atoms become excited and move from high energy level to low energy level. For the movement of the electrons, high energy is produced and emits a narrow beam of radiated light rays. However, the rays in LASER light also can be produced in an alternative way. When the passing proton particles’ energy matches with the energy of the electrons of the atoms, the electrons drop spontaneously from high energy to low energy within the molecular configuration of the atoms. Moreover, the LEASER light principle depends on the change in energy level configuration of the atom’s electron due to absorption of energy from out of source. That means the spontaneous emission of Photon rays supply the energy to the electrons in a stable state, and the electors absorb the energy spontaneously to emit energy, which is emitted in the front of arrow beam ray light, which is known as LASER rays.


LASER is an important invention of science based on the principle of stimulated emission of light. The LASER is used in many devices such as barcode scanners, laser printers, optical disc drivers, an instrument of DNA sequence scanning, and an optical communication device for free space. LASERs are also used in medical science and many medical devices for biological tests. LASERs are used in skin treatment for radiation treatment. LESAR are also used to cut materials and welding materials. In the military, LASER is used, and in Law enforcement devices, LASER is used to set a target and measure the distance from the target.

There are many types of laser lights used for different purposes and devices, which are as follows.

  1. Solid-state laser.
  2. Gas laser.
  3. Dye Laser.
  4. Fiber Laser.
  5. Semiconductor Laser.


The abbreviation LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, an artificial device based on the principle of stimulated light emission. In LASER devices, many atoms are stimulated to produce high energy and excite the electrons present in atoms to release high energy in the state of a narrow beam of light rays. LASER is a widely used device for several purposes. The lasers are also used in a field to set targets.


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What is the full form of LASER?

Answer: The full form of LASER is Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission o...Read full

What is the principle of LASER Light?

Answer: The principle of the LASER is based on the stimulated emission of light. LESER is a device in which the atom...Read full

Which types of light rays are visible in LESAR light?

Answer: The visible rays of LASER lights are the Ultraviolet rays and visible, infrared rays. 

In which devices the LASER light is fitted?

Answer: The LASER is used in many devices such as barcode scanners, laser prin...Read full

What are the uses of LASER in medical science?

Answer: In medical science, the LASER light is used widely in various purposes of biological tests. LASERs are used ...Read full