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IUD Full Form

An intrauterine device (IUD) is an effective form of birth control. Learn more about them here!

IUD stands for Intrauterine Devices. An intrauterine device is a form of birth control called an IUD. It is a T-shaped flexible object placed inside the uterus to prevent pregnancy. The shape helps to make it easier for physicians to put it into the uterus. It consists of hormonal cream or copper that makes it effective in its action and not harmful. It is one of the most popular forms of birth control because of the stability and easiness displayed by the device itself. The IUD is not meant to be a permanent form of birth control. 

Mechanism of IUDs

It is removed by the doctor in the further course of time when it loses any of its effectiveness. An implantable rod that contains copper or hormone is called an IUD. This type of birth control is less effective than other types like pills, patches and intrauterine devices. The figure shown below indicates how effectively it works. The implantable device is about 2 to 3 centimetres long. It is used for birth control. This device stops the sperm before it reaches the egg. It has a low failure rate of pregnancy. It is inserted in the uterus by a doctor and is removed when doctors feel it has lost its effectiveness.

The copper IUD is also termed as ParaGard

Mirena IUD: This type of IUD is placed in the uterus and has a small number of hormones or progestin (which prevents ovulation). It is placed by a doctor in the uterus and is removed when it loses its effectiveness. It can be readily inserted into the uterus by a doctor or an oral contraceptive pill. It consists of 2 parts; the part containing hormones or progestin is also termed the Mirena mini-pill and the other part containing copper or steel is known as Mirena T-380A. Mirena IUD works for three years, and then after that, it can be removed by a doctor or by its owner. It is inserted in the uterus the same way as a copper IUD. The doctor surgically inserts it in the uterus and removes it when it loses its effectiveness. It forms a barrier between the sperm and egg to prevent conception. Implants can be removed by injection or placing a finger into the vagina.

To insert this IUD, a doctor has to put a tube into the uterus and move it over the cervix. IUD is placed in the uterus and removed when it loses its effectiveness. The device is hormone-releasing, which prevents pregnancy for three years or more. It can be opened with the help of a ring by placing it in hot water for 5 minutes. It is an effective method of birth control compared to other forms like pills, condoms and diaphragms.

Advantages and disadvantages of IUD

Advantages of IUDs

IUDs are very much effective. They are easy to use and do not need any preparation before using them compared to other birth control forms. It does not create any mess for the people who want to use it. It is also small in size, making it easy for the doctors to place them in the uterus without causing any harm to the uterus or cause discomfort. 

The IUDs have various advantages over other forms of birth control.

Disadvantages of IUDs

Although IUDs are very effective for a person using them, they also have some disadvantages. These are presented below. Despite their advantages, IUDs have disadvantages too. These are given below: The IUDs need a medical prescription, and they cannot be purchased by anyone just by going to a pharmacy or store. The insertion of these devices is painful, and the insertion can be done only by the doctor or not by the person herself but only after consulting with a doctor. 

Adverse effects of the IUDs

 Both short term and long term side effects on the body. These are described below:

• The IUDs may cause pain due to inflammation of the uterus.

• IUDs can cause problems for those who are allergic to them.

• The IUDs have both short term and long term complications.

• The IUD may lead to infertility in women.

The intrauterine devices have a mixture of hormones and copper that prevent pregnancy by killing the ovum to stop the growth of sperm and prevent it from reaching the egg. The IUD has a very effective mechanism that prevents the ovum and sperm from getting together to provide the embryo. If a woman is not pregnant, she will stop her menstrual periods. 


IUDs are Intrauterine Devices which are used to avoid unwanted pregnancies. While the devices are being used, they are causing inflammation in a woman’s uterus and endometrial tissues. IUDs also attack a person’s immune system, which will reason them to react to these IUDs. An allergic reaction is another possible effect that may come about if one is allergic to the metals in these IUDs. Though there are no immediate side effects of using an IUD, it can cause long-term problems, infertility, and chronic pain in the uterus after getting removed from it.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the NEET UG Examination Preparation.

Can IUDs cause cervical cancer?

Ans. Women who use intrauterine devices are less likely to develop cervical cancer than those who do not use them. T...Read full

Is inserting an IUD painful?

Ans. There is a little pain associated with the insertion of intrauterine devices, and it is temporary. Sometimes, i...Read full

How long does an IUD last?

Ans. The exact life of an IUD is not very much known. It might be said to be for three or even more years, but in so...Read full

How effective are IUDs?

Ans. They are the best form of birth control and are also very effective compared to other forms of protection like ...Read full