NEET UG » NEET UG Full Forms » ICU Full Form

ICU Full Form

ICU is an abbreviation for Intensive Care Unit and ICU full form stands for Intensive Care Unit full form. It is a special ward in a hospital that has been designed to give maximum care to critically ill patients.

ICU or Intensive Care Unit is a special division in a hospital that provides patients special supervision and treatment. Patients with life-threatening diseases require special attention by special physicians and nurses. ICU is also known as CCU or Critical care unit. Each hospital has 20% beds for their ICU patients. If a patient goes through a critical surgery, they require post-operational supervision as anything could happen after operation. Sometimes the body refuses to take transplanted organs or transfused blood which may result in increases in blood pressure, heart rates and can cause a heart attack. That’s why patients require 24 into 7 supervision by nurses and physicians. When a kidney fails patients go through several problems and that can fail vital parts that are kept in the CPU. 

Disease that requires different ICU treatments

Patients with Chronic and severe disease require ICU or intensive care units. Patients that require special monitoring and supervision are categorized in following diseases is lung diseases. Patients with lung inflammation or bronchitis due to infection and injury result in difficulty breathing. They might need oxygen and other life-supporting gadgets that require assistance from physicians and nurses. Patients with Lung diseases often report sudden falls in their Oxygen level that needs frequent checking of their oxygen concentration. Patients with Cardiac Problems, as people with blockage in their heart and who are suffering from high blood pressure can anytime face a heart attack. This requires continuous supervision of their BP rates and heart rates. Patients with recent heart operations or transplantation of artificial SA nodes Space makers require continued supervision as these implants take time to adapt in patients’ bodies sometimes if not monitored properly resulting in severe cardiac infections. Patients with Severe Infection, patients with a severe viral infection such as the recent Covid-19 virus requires special care as this virus can be spread easily so patients should be kept isolated from other patients and constant monitoring helps to reduce the spread of viruses. Patients with multiple complications such as pneumonia, respiratory infections, heart rate abnormality and accidental circumstances required urgent interventions and surgery. Patients who are in Coma require special care units of ICU. Patients with Liver complications, liver infection or liver cirrhosis require ICU. Babies who are born with complications and born early require NICU or Neonatal Intensive care units.

Medical Equipment in ICU

ICU includes several medical types of equipment that helps to treat complicated diseases and injuries. Ventilator, that helps patients to provide breathing who have complications of breathing. Feeding tubes helps patients who do not have the urge of eating and also helps in removing food from the stomach of patients. In case of food toxicity food pipes are used for forced vomiting and releasing food from the patient’s stomach. ECG box helps to check heartbeats of patients with severe cardiac problems. ECG box is an Electrical Cardiogram machine that shows heart rates of patients that helps to monitor their current cardiac situation. Dialysis is a device that removes urine from the blood of kidney failure patients. It collects blood from the body of patience, removes wastes and again re-enters blood into the body of the patient. Kidney plays a vital role in removing wastes from body dialysis machines that help to do this work in patients who have failed kidneys. Pulse Oximeters helps to measure oxygen levels in patients with lung diseases or viral infections of the lungs such as Coronavirus diseases. This equipment helps in the pre-diagnosis of oxygen deficiency in the body so that patients can have oxygen supplement at the right time. Other equipment includes a Patient monitor, suction tubes, blood warmer, external pacemakers and Syringe Pump. 

ICU significance

ICU or Intensive Care Unit provides special treatment and observation to patients with severe critical diseases and injuries. This helps in the pre-diagnosis of risks and attacks. Patients with kidney, heart, lung and liver infections and malfunctions are provided special facilities to operate the function of those body organs. Many types of equipment replace organs such as Pacemakers help to replace SA notes in Hearts and Dialysis machines help to replace kidney.  ICU also provides treatment to patients who are in a coma and early-born babies of babies with criticalities. 


ICU or Intensive Care Unit is a special facility provided by hospitals that provides constant monitoring and supervision to patients who are having critical complications and suffering from life-threatening diseases. Special ICU for preborn babies of babies born with complications or infection is treated under Neonatal Intensive Care Units or NICU. Diseases such as Major heart problems, kidney failure, lung infections, preborn complications, respiratory diseases and viral diseases require ICU. Equipment of ICU include ventilation, oximeter, Dialysis machines, ECG box and section tubes. These equipment are sterilised properly before use and help in saving the lives of many patients.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the NEET UG Examination Preparation.

What is the Full form of ICU?

Answer: Full form of ICU is the Intensive Care Unit ...Read full

What are the other names of ICU?

Answer: Other names of ICU are Neonatal Intensive Care Units or NICU, Intensive Treatment Unit or ITU and Critical C...Read full

Which diseases require ICU?

Answer: Diseases such as Lung infection, Cardiac Diseases, Major injuries, heart complications, kidney failure, live...Read full

What is the equipment generally used in ICU?

Answer: Equipment that is used in ICU includes an ECG box, dialysis machines, suction tubes, feeding tubes, pacemake...Read full

What is the importance of ICU?

Answer: ICU plays a vital role in monitoring and providing special care to patients with the help of physiologists a...Read full

Who was the representative of IUPAC?

Answer: Bipul Behari Sahawas the representative of IUPAC.