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Full Form of IUCD

The full form of IUCD can be given as an Intrauterine Contraceptive Device. It is a device that mainly functions as a protection against unwanted pregnancy.

This device is a special case where it functions in controlling the birth population. Along with the control of the population, this device also maintains not to spread STIs such as HIV aids etc., from one person to another. By using IUD, a person lowers the risk of being infected with severe diseases that come from intercourse with multiple partners that threaten their life. As a whole, when used as birth control, fertilization of the egg is prevented by it. Different kinds of IUDs or IUCDs are available such as copper IUDs or hormonal IUDs. These are placed carefully by the doctors inside the women’s uterus or the womb. The IUDs are held by certain nylon threads that remain attached to them. These will hang down into the vagina of a woman.

Functions of IUCDs or IUDs

The main function of an IUD is that fertilization of the egg will be prevented by this device. If a copper IUD is placed in a women’s uterus, then the copper metal works as a prevention against the incoming sperms from the male that is released towards the female’s vagina. This copper will stop the sperm from entering into the uterus, that will not result in the fertilization of the egg, thus restricting the birth of a child unwantedly. However, this may not work efficiently and as a result, the egg will be fertilized in this case. The surety cannot be provided by the usage of a copper IUD. But functionally, the IUDs that will be prescribed by the doctor will work efficiently and as a result, the implantation of the egg into the uterus will be stopped.

  • In the prevention of pregnancy, the copper IUD is around 99 per cent effective. However, there is a negligible chance for only one woman out of 100 who might get pregnant in the following year.

  • As a proper birth control, the IUD that is 99.5 per cent effective in function is the Mirena.

If we talk about the age specified for using this device, therefore, there is no restriction or proper specifications of its use. These IUDs can also be used by young women and also women who don’t possess children as prescribed or by consulting a doctor.

However, women with specifically heavy periods are particularly suited to use Mirena. This will work effectively for them.

Good effects of using IUDs

Some of the advantages of the use of IUDs can be explained as follows-

  • For 5 long years or more than that, the device is totally trustable in its position, that is, it won’t get displaced anyhow.

  • As soon as there is the removal of the IUD, there is a chance for the woman to get pregnant. 

  • It doesn’t interfere with the Act of sexual intercourse between persons.

  • If a woman is breastfeeding her newborn child, it is safe for her to use it.

  • Most women tend to have lighter periods as well as less period pain with the use of Mirena. At times, a woman may not at all have her periods.

  • No hormonal side effects can be observed in the usage of copper IUD. 

Harmful effects of an IUD

Some disadvantages of using this device could be-

  • Generally in women, observations such as there might be heavier flow while on her period days.

  • The periods may thrive for a longer period of time. 

  • Or it may be more painful for a woman during her menstrual period. 

  • At times, it may not prevent STIs; therefore, condoms should be used along with it.

  • A woman may be infected from the placement of an IUD in her uterus, which may lead to a pelvic infection if not treated on time.

However, the best time to get an inserted IUD is-

  • After a menstrual period or maybe during at times 

  • Being born a baby, women can get inserted after 6 weeks of delivery of the child.

  • After an immediate abortion, IUDs can be inserted.

Hence, IUDs can be used to control of the population. It depends on the woman when she wants to insert it only on her wants. If symptoms such as severe cramps, unusual bleeding, etc., occur after its placement, it should be immediately consulted by the doctor. If the woman wants to remove the device, then she is completely free to visit the doctor and remove it without any risk in order for the fertilization of her egg and to conceive. Therefore IUDs are an effective option for controlling of the population, which the government usually prefers.


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Give the full form of IUCD.

Ans. The full form of IUCD is given as- Intrauterine Contraceptive Device.

Why are IUDs used?

Ans. This is a device that mainly functions as protection against unwanted pregnancy. This device is a special case ...Read full

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