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Full Form of BP

Blood pressure is the force exerted by blood on the walls of arteries as it flows through them. Read on to find out more about blood pressure and its impact on the human body.

There are various factors and ways of determining the status of a person’s health. As medical science evolved, various accurate methods of determining a person’s health were introduced. One of these is blood pressure. Blood pressure testing is one of the major factors which determine the condition of a person’s physical health and is one of the most common ways of doing it. There are undoubtedly various other methods as well, such as checking body temperature, which is widely used. It should be noted that blood pressure is one of the vital health signs and is extremely important to manage it well and keep it in the right condition for overall good health. This article is going to focus on the full form of BP and various other topics revolving around the same.

Blood Pressure (BP)

Blood pressure is the full form of BP, which is the topic of this article. It is defined as the pressure with which blood is released in the circulatory system by the heart in the human body. It is one the vital factors which determine a person’s health along with various others such as oxygen level that became very significant during the peak of the covid period. Other factors also include respiratory rate and body temperature. Blood pressure is mostly tested in adults in order to check the condition of internal organs. It is checked on the basis of the standard rate of pressure. It is very important to understand that blood pressure is checked against the external environment and the unit for measuring is in millimetres of mercury. This unit includes two distant values or ranges of ideal blood pressure. The highest possible rate of blood pressure, which is known as systolic pressure, is 120 millimetres and the lowest possible value of ideal blood pressure is considered to be 80. Anything between these two values is considered good for a person’s health and deviation or value out of this range is a matter of concern. 

There are various issues which revolve around a deviated blood pressure, but in many cases, this deviation from the normal range is considered normal. One of the significant examples of this is pregnancy. Pregnancy is a phase of the body where many significant changes occur in a woman’s body. One of these changes is in blood pressure. At the time of pregnancy, the lower range is 30 to 60 mg and the higher range is 65 to 95 mg. Another case is of children of different age groups. Blood pressure ranges differently among kids of different ages. Even when people start to age, their blood pressure rises at a significant rate and it is always advised to look at the age and physical condition of a person before checking the range of blood pressure as it varies. 

High Blood Pressure

There are various blood pressure disorders which happen when the rate of pressure fluctuates from its normal range. High blood pressure is defined as 130 or higher for the first number, or 80 or higher for the second number.More deviation and severity can be the consequences. One of the most common disorders is high blood pressure. High blood pressure can develop as a chronic issue and sometimes happens acutely. When a person has high blood pressure, it means that the rate of pressure released during the process of blood flow in the circulatory system is higher than normal, which creates unwanted pressure on the artery walls. This leads to pressure on health and reduces the growth of tissues in the body. High blood pressure, if it remains for a long time, is an indicator of stroke and even heart attacks and should be taken care of as soon as diagnosed. This can also reduce the life expectancy of a person significantly. 

Low Blood Pressure

Low blood pressure is exactly the opposite of high blood pressure, which occurs due to a significant fall in the rate of blood pressure and is known as orthostatic hypotension.Low blood pressure is generally considered a blood pressure reading lower than 90 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) for the top number (systolic) or 60 mm Hg for the bottom number (diastolic). It reduces the stroke volume and leads to constant weakness in the body, a sense of dizziness and can cause a major injury due to all this. There are various issues for low blood pressure, such as low body temperature and various other issues related to vital organs such as the heart and lungs. 

Fluctuation in Blood Pressure

Some people have high blood pressure, while some experience low blood pressure and many suffer from both. Although it is pretty normal to have such a condition, in the long run, it can cause an increase in the risk of various heart-related diseases. A person might start suffering from dementia or have to experience heart failure. All of this depends on the rate of deviation and fluctuations.


Blood pressure is a very important part of the human body and one should always monitor it at regular intervals. High blood pressure can be an early signal of a major stroke or cardiac arrest and low blood pressure might lead to a severe injury due to chronic weakness. There are many factors causing it and some can be taken care of. There are various machines which are quite handy and can be kept at home as well to keep a regular check on blood pressure.


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What is systolic pressure?

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