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DPT Full Form

What is DPT? Full form of DPT is Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus. This article would keep the readers abreast of the DPT vaccine and its efficacy in preventing the diseases.

Diphtheria is an infectious disease. The causable bacteria is a gram-positive bacillus that is Corynebacterium diphtheriae. The strains of this bacteria produce toxins.

Pertussis, colloquially called ‘whooping cough’ is an infectious disease of acute nature. The causal microorganism of Pertussis is Bordetella pertussis (B. Pertussis). It is a gram-negative bacillus. It is a highly transmissible disease that can spread from one person to another person via air droplets released during the coughing or sneezing of an infected person. Hundred-day cough is another term used for pertussis by the Chinese people.

Tetanus: Clostridium tetani, gram-positive bacilli secretes neurotoxins, which leads to the development of an infectious disease known as Tetanus. It cannot be transmitted from one individual to another individual.


  1. Single vaccine: The frequency of use is quite low for a single vaccine formula. Various single vaccines are PTAP, FT, etc.
  2. Combination vaccine: DPT vaccine is a great choice to provide simultaneous protection against three classes of diseases i.e. Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus. In this vaccine, the presence of pertussis elements increases the efficacy of diphtheria toxoids. The DPT vaccine is classified as 
  • DPT vaccine (Adsorbed): Studies show that adsorption provides better immunological effectiveness to the vaccine. Adsorption is done on a mineral carrier like that of aluminium hydroxide or aluminium phosphate.
  • DPT vaccine (plain)
  1. Antisera: the horse serum is utilized for the preparation of diphtheria antitoxin. Antisera prophylactic is still used in treating diphtheria and is also a mainstay of passive prophylaxis programs.

DPT vaccine has been shown to produce some adversities to human health. Hence these vaccines have been replaced by another version called DTaP vaccination in the 1990s.


DPT vaccine has the following components:

  • Inactivated diphtheria toxoids
  • Inactivated tetanus toxoids
  • Antigens of pertussis that are acellular.

A toxoid refers to the inactivated form of toxins produced by microorganisms. The suppression of toxin is made either chemically or by giving it a heat treatment. The vaccine when administered to a patient generates an active immune response in the individual’s body. Simply it leads to the formation of antibodies and antitoxins against inactive toxoids and pertussis antigens.


The vaccine should be injected deep intramuscular. Also, it can be injected into the gluteal region in the upper and outer quadrant. The 1984 Global Advisory Group stated its chief recommendation of injecting the vaccine in the lateral aspect of the thigh specifically in children under one year of age.


The current advised schedule of vaccination is given as follows. A child gets in a total of five doses of the DPT vaccine.

  • The first dose is given at the age of six weeks.
  • Second dose at the age of ten weeks
  • Third dose at the age of fourteen weeks.
  • The three doses are given at an interval of 4 weeks.
  • A booster dose of the DPT vaccine is given at the age of 16-18 months (one and a half years to two years)
  • Another shot of booster given at the age of 5 to 6 years (DT component only i.e. Diphtheria and tetanus).
  • A booster dose is of significant value and is advised even after a child is vaccinated with three vaccine doses as it ensures effective protection against DPT. Various studies conducted have shown that the three doses are capable of providing only 80% protection against Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus, hence it becomes necessary to complete the recommended vaccination schedule to provide maximum advantage and safety.
  • With age, pertussis infection grows less severe. Additionally, the pertussis vaccine is usually not recommended and licensed after the age of 6 years by the government. So in case of missed vaccination and children who are above the age of 5 years, they are only administered with doses of DT vaccine. It goes as follows, two doses of DT at an interval of four weeks, followed by a booster shot 6 months to· 1 year later.
  • Children above the age of 12 years are given a preparation of dT. It is an adult form of the diphtheria-tetanus vaccine.


Following are the recommended cases that would be preventable on the administration of the Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus vaccine:

  • Diphtheria
  • Pertussis
  • Tetanus

Infants and children of young age can be prevented from these infectious diseases if they are vaccinated at the correct age.


Further vaccination of DPT dose is withdrawn in the following cases:

  • Anaphylactic reactions (allergies) that follow up after administration of DPT vaccination.
  • Children demonstrating serious illness issues
  • Children requiring hospitalisation
  • Other contraindications are severe reactions after DPT dose administration are, the rise of temperature above 40 degrees Celsius, screaming episodes of persistent nature.
  • The patient goes into collapse or displays other neurological symptoms. 


Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus are infectious diseases that cause various health problems in young children if not prevented by vaccination. Proper health checkups by a pediatrician are to be kept in mind to avoid missing up any vaccination of the infant. 


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