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DO Full Form

A doctor of osteopathy (DO) is an advanced medical degree that combines both medicine and osteopathic manipulative treatment. Find out what makes a DO different from other doctors!

DO in medicine stands for ‘Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine’

It is a form of physical medicine which is done by medical practitioners to aid the patients from injuries and ailments. DO’s role in medicine is increasing day by day. They are applied in all forms of medical fields starting from primary care to surgery. It is a developing field that has a chief motto of developing the welfare of patients. 

Do stands for ‘Demi Official’

A Demi Official is a form of a letter that can also be called a Demi Government Letter. It is a formal letter that includes the official content of an email along with some personal information described in the letter. This is an official letter that contains pieces of individuals’ personal information. This is written by stating official news coupled with a personal message. 

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine is a physician who deals with the physical or external treatments of ailments related to the Musculoskeletal system. Their main aim is to bring up a clear bond with their patients and check on their health and welfare regularly. This DO is similar to the degree of MD but the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine is given additional training of 300 to 500 hours for Hands-on manipulation training which is the conventional form of treatment. They work on treating the patients with both modern and traditional knowledge.


Statistics conducted in 2015 state that about 81,115 medical students hold a DO degree which accounts for about 8.5% of the total medical students in the world. About 17.6% of DOs are from the United States. The value of a DO degree which is equivalent to an MD Degree is driving the medical practitioners to drive their attention towards the field. The growth of people engaging in Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine is increasing each year.

Role of a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

They perform all the roles done by a regular medical practitioner along with some additional treatments. The various roles of Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine include:

  • Physical stretching treatments
  • Provides Pressure treatments
  • Deals about muscle energy
  • Relieves tension around bones, muscles, like myofascial release
  • Prescribing medicine
  • Performing surgery
  • Run tests
  • Diagnose illness
  • Stimulate healing pressures osteopathic cranial manipulative medicine.

They deal with treatments of back pain, neck pain, spinal injuries, fractures, paralysis, menstrual pain, sports injuries, menstrual disorders, stress injuries, sinus, lung disorders, etc.

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Course

The basic requirement to get a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine is a Bachelor’s degree and students with a master’s degree and Doctorate can also apply for this DO degree. 

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine is a four-year degree course and can be extended based on the student. The first two years deal with Biomedical and clinical studies. The third and fourth years involve internships and core training. This course trains the students in family medicine, surgery, gynaecology, obstetrics, psychiatry, radiology, preventive medicine, paediatrics, clinical medicine, etc.,

Certifications and licence applicable for the students pursuing the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine are provided by the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners and the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE).

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine is popularly found in United States, Australia, China, Columbia, Chile, Costa Rica, France, United Kingdom, Taiwan, etc. The licensing and certifications vary for each course.

Demi Official

Demi Official Letter

Though the Demi Official Letter includes formal and official information, it is not considered or categorised under an official letter. Officially recognized rules, methods, and structure were not followed in the writing of this letter. The recipient is addressed by name in this letter. The structure to be followed are as follows:

  • No formal notations used
  • The title is commonly the name of the receiver
  • The letter starts with My Dear followed by the name
  • The content must be in a personal tone
  • No official terms used
  • The letter ends with ‘Yous sincerely’
  • Signature of the officer present at the end

Characteristics of a Demi Official Letter:

A Demi Official Letter is a semi-formal letter and has the following characteristics. They are:

  • It is written in a companionable and comforting tone
  • Send to the officer who holds the same position
  • Conversation with employees
  • The letter must range only between 1 to 2 pages
  • Spacing between letters must be 1.5
  • Additional letters, Descriptions, images are sent as annexures along with the Demi Official Letter
  • Must not be quoted as the official test
  • The letter can be drafted by officers

Uses of Demi Official Letter

A Demi Official Letter is used in the following situations when the information is a blend of official and personal interest when the officers need to maintain a good personal relationship for career welfare, used to address personal grievances of the receiver, delivering official wishes, motivational letters to employees. 


Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine is an important and emerging sector in the field of medicine which treats various ranges of problems and also plays a major role in injury prevention.

A Demi Official Letter is a semi-formal letter used as a form of communication that includes both officials, confidential and personal news. It is highly used between various government officials and officers.


Frequently asked questions

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What is the difference between allopathic physicians (MDs) and osteopathic physicians (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicines)?

Answer: Both are fully licensed physicians with experience diagnosing, treating, and preventing illnesses and proble...Read full

Is pursuing a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine easier than pursuing an MD?

Answer: DO programmes have a modest advantage in terms of competition. For starters, DO admissions have substantiall...Read full

What is the difference between an official letter and a Demi Official Letter?

Answer: An official letter only consists of official and work-related informat...Read full

What is the biggest advantage of a DO letter?

Answer: The biggest advantage of a Demi Official Letter is that it carries bot...Read full

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