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DDT Full Form

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is an important hormone that affects the development of male sexual characteristics. It also plays a role in hair growth and prostate enlargement.

There are a myriad of hormones in the human body that affect how we live our daily lives. They have a significant impact on our bodies and are usually present in the optimal quantity. In cases when there is an abundance or scarcity of a particular hormone, nasty side effects and complications may occur. It is necessary that a person seeks advice from a medical practitioner in these cases. Here, we would be discussing a specific hormone known as dihydrotestosterone or more commonly, DHT, and its effects on the human body.


DHT, which stands for dihydrotestosterone, is a sex steroid and hormone that is produced in the gonads. It is responsible for imparting male sexual characteristics in a person when they go through puberty. It is responsible for maintaining muscle mass, promoting sperm production and distributing body fat. 

DHT is produced in the prostate and the testes from testosterone. The enzyme 5-alpha-reductase (5-AR) acts on testosterone to convert it to DHT. On average, about 10 % of testosterone is converted to DHT unless there is a special condition that produces excess or deficiency of the hormone. 

Biological Significance of DHT

DHT is a hormone derived from testosterone, which is present both in males and females. Along with testosterone, DHT contributes to the male sex characteristic chances that a person goes through during puberty, and they are commonly referred to as androgens. It leads to the development of a deep voice, increased body hair and muscle mass, penis growth and development of the scrotum. Further, it also facilitates the beginning of sperm production and manages how body fat is stored. 

With age, DHT has been seen to have many other benefits like maintaining the overall muscle mass and promoting sexual wellness and fertility. Once DHT starts flowing freely through the bloodstream, it causes the hair follicles in the scalp to shrink and become less capable of supporting healthy hair. As a result, excess DHT can often lead to baldness. Other side effects of excess DHT are given below.

  1. Injuries to the skin take time to heal.
  2. The prostate may become enlarged and there is a chance of getting prostate cancer.
  3. Abnormally high DHT levels may even lead to coronary heart diseases.

On a similar note, a person may suffer from some syndromes too if the DHT level in their body is too low. They can exhibit one or more of the symptoms listed below:

  1. Delayed or incomplete development of the sex organs. It may affect both males and females – penis in case of males and the ovaries in females. 
  2. Body fat distribution gets affected, leading to conditions like gynecomastia.
  3. Increased chances of developing aggressive prostate tumours.
  4. Uneven or incomplete development and distribution of body hair. 

Effect of DHT in Different People

It has often been noticed that DHT affects people in various ways. Different people show different symptoms of DHT, and there can be different reasons for it. 

Let us consider the very generic symptom of hair loss caused by DHT. The shape and size of a person’s head and the action of DHT to various shapes can be different. Different levels of local DHT production can affect hair loss for different people. 

The sensitivity of a person to androgens can also cause the hormone to have different effects. Usually, a higher level of testosterone circulation can cause higher levels of DHT. Medical science has not been able to pinpoint the reason regarding the different symptoms and different levels of testosterone production.


Dihydrotestosterone or DHT is just one of the hundreds of hormones present in our body. There are many more which have various effects on our lifestyle and daily activities. You can read more about the various hormones and their effects at various sources. Though many hormones seem harmless, an abundance or scarcity of one may have a negative impact on a person. It is always better to consult with a medical professional and heed their advice when it comes to matters of hormones.


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