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CT Scan Full Form

Computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen.The patient lies on a table that slides through the CT machine, which takes x-ray pictures of the inside of the body.

Even a professional doctor cannot tell what disease or problem a person has, by just looking at his/her face. They can’t diagnose you completely just by listening to you. Particular medical conditions compel you to have a nigher look into the body where techniques like ultrasound and X-rays also don’t work out entirely. This is where computed tomography scan comes into being, which is generally known as the CT scan.

Computed tomography is different from X-ray machines in the fact that they make use of rotating X-ray machines to deliver cross-sectional and detailed impressions of the body parts.  

Computed Tomography Scan

A Computed photography Scan incorporates various kinds of X-ray impressions into several cross-sectional images that give a much better and more detailed view than any other procedure. With the help of a CT scan, one can get a thorough look at the blood vessels, soft tissues and bones in our body. You may be able to visualise body parts like the heart, head, stomach, backbone, shoulders, knee, and chest. 

Conduction of CT scan conducted

If we talk about the intentions of this procedure, then we have several in the list of uses. They are: 

  1. This scan helps in studying and taking a detailed look at the blood vessels and other internal structures of our body. 
  2. The professionals would be able to pinpoint the precise location of the tumour or abundance in your body. 
  3. One can easily get rid of the injuries and infections after locating the exact location of the injuries. 
  4. Doctors can effortlessly regulate the efficacy of the treatments that go on with certain medical patients. 

Procedure of Computed Tomography Scan 

Certain things should be remembered before ascending for a CT Scan and also you can anticipate certain things when you reach there. 

Prepare yourself before a CT scan

Initially, one should be aware of the process and things that should be kept in mind. Without contrast, you don’t need any such kind of preparation for the scan. But if you are dyed with a contrast dye before the CT scan, you should abstain from eating solid food a minimum of 4 hours before your computed tomography scan. The above possibility is when you have to take a cross-sectional view of your abdomen. Other important things include removing metallic objects from your body like watches, hairpins, jewellery, glasses and piercings. 

Anticipate during a CT scan test

Having arrived at your test centre, you will be asked to wear a hospital gown and remove all the metallic items from your body. Allergies concerned, he will give you special instructions regarding the same. The process begins when you are placed to decree on a long narrow table which will slide in during the Scan and take out necessary pictures. In and about, this whole process takes about half an hour or so to finish off. 

To do after the scan

Once you are over with the process of a Computed Tomography Scan, the images are brought to the radiologist for an accurate look and summary of the examination. If you don’t know, a radiologist is a specialised doctor who takes supervision of diagnosing certain conditions using the procedures of CT scan and X-rays. 

Risks are associated with this Scan

Once you enter into the machine, your body gets uncovered to dangerous radiations which might also increase your cancer chances, if multiple scans are done on your body. Apart from that, some people might get allergic reactions towards the application of contrast dyes in your body. If this is so, then you might also avoid using them and conduct your computed tomography scan without them.

But if the use is that crucial, then you can also make use of steroids to avoid any such detrimental reactions on your body. You might also think as to where this contrast dye goes after the test. The answer to this is through stool and urine, where the body may flush out all the contrast dye from your body. Most importantly, one should also drink a lot of water, so that this process of flushing out works well for your body. 

Time to receive the final report of a CT scan

Usually, it takes about 24 hours to get the results of the CT scan. A radiologist, who is a specialist in reviewing your reports, will provide you with what the report has to say about your body. However, some infirmaries might also give you the reports in an hour, but that is in cases of severe emergency only. If the reports show a bizarre aspect, then you are made to go for some other further tests as well. Regardless if there isn’t any, then the CT scan report is evaluated as typical. 


Indeed, a Computed Tomography Scan is an excellent way to have a detailed look at our internal body structure which isn’t possible with the means of ultrasound and X-ray machines. Even if the CT scan is a painful process, the results are much better and more promising than the painless procedures of X-rays. But don’t you have to worry about what kind of scan you should go for. This should always be prescribed by a specialised doctor who might evaluate and see if there is a need for it or not. 


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the NEET UG Examination Preparation.

Can a woman get a CT Scan done if she is pregnant?

Answer: Yes, a woman can get it done. By the ACOG report, it is noted that the...Read full

How much time does the CT scan take to complete the whole process of scanning?

Answer:  The CT scan machine tak...Read full

Are the computed tomography scans safe?

Answer: Yes, the CT scan is considered a safe way of getting a cross-sectional view of the body. Even the chi...Read full

Does the process of CT scan make a lot of noise, like MRI?

Answer: Unlike MRI, a computed tomography scan doesn’t make any loud noi...Read full