Medium refers to the way that an object transmits sound waves. Objects that are denser than air are rarer because they don’t let sound waves through as well as something like air or water.
Rarer and dense medium differ in many ways. The most obvious difference between them is the density. Rarer medium is less dense than dense medium because rarer medium doesn’t have a very high amount of particles packing it together.
It’s easier to see through a rarer medium, so you’re able to get a clearer picture of what’s on the other side of it. Denser medium is, simply put, more dense. It gets less light through to you, so it’s a lot harder to see what’s on the other side of it (in optical density).
As a result of the density difference, the rarer medium is easier to see through than dense medium. This makes a rarer medium useful in optical illusions.
Rarer and Dense Medium
This article will highlight the difference between rarer and denser medium