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Monohybrid and Dihybrid

Gregor Johann Mendel, also known as the father of genetics has postulated the laws of inheritance based on the experiments he conducted exclusively on the Pea plants, the monohybrid and dihybrid crosses helped determine the laws of inheritance.

The deliberate mating of two separate organisms, resulting in progeny that carries a portion of each parent’s genetic material is known as a genetic cross. The progenitor organisms must be able to procreate, and they can be from different types of species that are closely related. Genetic crosses are also performed to study the inheritance of genes, such as the sex chromosomes. The X and Y chromosomes determine the genders of the species. Female mammals usually have two X chromosomes (XX) and male mammals have one X and one Y chromosome (XY). The XX/XY sex chromosome combination is dominant over the XY/XY sex chromosome combination.

A genetic cross is accurately defined as the breeding of two different genotypes to produce offspring that have a different genotype than any of the parents. The resulting offspring is a genetically heterogeneous organism. We use the term genetic cross because it emphasises that the result of the crossing is a hybrid offspring, the genetic composition of which is a combination of two parent species.

Application of Mendel’s Laws in Genetic Crosses

The basic principle of a genetic cross is that the offspring of a genetically diverse cross are more (or less) likely to resemble the parent with which it is crossbred. A genetic cross is a process by which a genetic diversity of two different species is created by interbreeding which gives the first progeny (F1). This process can be used as a tool in genetic studies and the development of new plants and animals. Mendel’s laws are the first two rules of this process, and this is the basis on which the rest of this idea is built.

Mendel’s laws of inheritance state “that one gene from the mother and one from the father are required to produce a viable offspring,” a law that was named after Gregor Johann Mendel, who is the father of Genetics.  Mendel’s laws of inheritance are among the most basic roots of gene theories, and yet they play a major role in how the world of genetics works today. These include the fact that the sex of the offspring is decided by the combination of alleles that is inherited from the mother and father. For example, if the parents have alleles XX and XY, the offspring may have 50 percent of XY alleles  50 percent of XX alleles, and therefore the gender of the offspring may have a 50 percent chance of being a male or a female.

Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance

  1. Mendel’s Law of Dominance 

Mendel’s first law of inheritance is the Law of Dominance. Hybrid embryos will only inherit the dominant characteristic in the phenotypic, according to the law of dominance. Recessive qualities are alleles that are suppressed, whereas dominant traits are alleles that influence physical (phenotype) and genetic (genotype) character and are passed down to future progeny. The experimental proof of Mendel’s law of inheritance is depicted in the Monohybrid cross.

  1. Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment

The Law of Independent Assortment, also known as Mendel’s second law of inheritance, states that during the formation of gametes, a pair of characteristic traits seclude totally independent of another pair. Because individual genetic inheritance contributes factors assort individually, distinctive traits have an equal chance of occurring together as well. Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment is illustrated in the dihybrid cross.  

  1. Mendel’s Law of Segregation

 According to the law of segregation, Mendel’s third law of inheritance, during the assembly of sex cells, two copies of each hereditary issue segregate so that offspring inherit one allelic factor from each parent. In other words, allelic factors which are also known as alternative types of a gene, the allelic pairs segregate during gamete formation and group together indiscriminately during the fertilisation process. 

Monohybrid and Dihybrid Genetic Crosses: Distinctions


  1. In the Monohybrid genetic cross, only one pair of contrasting characters is considered.
  2. Monohybrid genetic cross employs its use in the determination of Dominance and Recessive alleles of the considered character. 
  3. The most basic type of Monohybrid genetic cross was conducted by Mendel in his experiments on Pea (Pisum sativum) to find out the significance of dominant and recessive alleles of a character. 
  4. The most common example of a monohybrid cross is the cross between a true breeding tall pea plant(TT) with a true breeding short pea plant(tt). 
  5. The resulting progeny of the cross will have the genetic makeup of Tt which is a non true breeding tall plant.
  6. The fixed genotypic ratio of any monohybrid cross is 1:2:1.
  7. The phenotypic ratio of any monohybrid cross is 3:1. 


  1. In the Dihybrid genetic cross, two pairs of contrasting traits are considered. 
  2. Dihybrid genetic cross employs its use in the determination of independently assorted genes. 
  3. The most basic type of Dihybrid genetic cross was conducted by Mendel in his experiments on the Pea plant (Pisum sativum) taking the characters 1. The shape of the seed, which includes the alleles – round(RR, Rr) and wrinkled (rr) and 2. Colour of the seed which includes the alleles – Yellow (YY,Yy), and green (yy)
  4. By crossing the true-breeding variants of the above plants that are RRYYxrryy, 4 types of seeds are produced in the first progeny of which two types are parental combinations. 
  5. Further crossing the first progeny of any dihybrid genetic cross gives the genotypic ratio of 1:2:1:2:4:2:1:2:1 and the phenotypic ratio of 9:3:3:1. 


Mendel’s laws are a result of mathematical expressions of statistics which states that every trait of an organism is controlled by a pair of genes in such a way that the two genes are passed down independently as separate copies. The two genes are called dominant and recessive. Dominant genes are the ones that are expressed; recessive genes are the ones that are not expressed.


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