The Indian constitution was enacted on November 26, 1949. Nonetheless, it went into force on January 26th, 1950. The 26th of January is seen as India’s Republic Day. The Constitution Assembly endorsed it. As the chairman of the Drafting Committee, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, is generally viewed as the planner of the Indian Constitution. Following the enforcement of the constitution, the Union of India turned into the advanced and current Republic of India.
The Indian Constitution is the supreme legislation of the country. It explains important political principles, systems, practices, freedoms, powers, and responsibilities of the public authority. It cannot be repealed by Parliament. The Indian constitution is the longest in the world. It began with 395 articles divided into 22 parts and 8 schedules. It has around 145,000 words, making it the world’s second-largest dynamic constitution. There is now a prologue, 25 parts with 12 schedules, 5 indices, 448 articles, and 101 modifications.
Importance of the Indian Constitution
The Indian constitution is a written document that serves as the pinnacle of a political or social organization’s norms. These standards and guidelines lay the groundwork for the country to run without issue or debate, and if an issue arises in the legal and legislative areas, or between the majority of the nation and the legal executive, these arrangements assist the country in overcoming this stage where there is a normal danger of a common conflict breakdown, which is likely the last thing any nation can dream about.
Salient Features of the Indian Constitution
Lengthiest written constitution
- The Indian Constitution is the longest and most complete of all written constitutions in the world
- Initially, the American constitution had 7 articles, the Australian constitution had 128 articles, the Canadian constitution had 147, and the Indian constitution had 395 articles isolated into 22 parts and 8 schedules, making it the longest
- Many more articles have been added, erased, or altered accordingly by amendment activities because of modification acts
- Without a doubt, even after the cancellation of a couple of arrangements, it has 444 articles and 12 schedules
Single Citizenship
All Indian people are granted one citizenship under the Indian Constitution. An individual may have a residence in a certain State or Union Territory, but his or her citizenship remains Indian. Everyone who had a residence in India on January 26, 1950, and was born in India is a resident of India, according to the Constitution. Both of their guardians were born in India and had lived there for at least five years. All of those residents may enjoy the same opportunities, benefits, and security. This is rare in the United States since each individual is an American citizen as well as a resident of the state in which they reside.
In India, the Indian Constitution is the law. It is the source of authority for all directives in India. PremBehari NarainRaizada wrote it in both Hindi and English in flowing italics, and it was embellished by Shantiniketan specialists. Given everything, the plan was a task. While it was itemizing, several constitutions from throughout the world were inferred. Perhaps that is why it is also known as a ‘Sack of Borrowings.’ Our forefathers rejected proposals for India from all across the world and reshaped them to fit the Indian circumstances.The Constituent Assembly drafted the Indian Constitution, which took 2 years, 11 months, and 17 days to complete with a few revisions. On January 26, 1950, the Indian Constitution became workable after a series of social events and discussions.