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Types of Communication System

Communication is the act of sending, processing, and receiving information via electronic means. So, let us find out more in this article.

A communication system is a system of communication channels that allows information to be exchanged between two or more agents.

Any communication system comprises a sender, a receiver, and a channel. Any system can be described by the sender, the receiver, and the channel. The most fundamental term for this concept is “transmitter,” which conveys a message from one point to another. This concept is also used in communication systems such as radio, phones, and the internet. Another term, “receiver,” conveys a message from one point to another.

Communication Channel

A communication channel is a collection of sending and receiving points linked together by a communication network. One example of a communication Channel is Email. It is used for sending and receiving textual, audio, video, or other kinds of data. In a communication system, the sending point is called a sender, and the receiving point is called a receiver.

Communication Channel Block Diagram

Let us look at the communication channel block diagram:

Main Components Of A Communication System

Communication systems have two main components: (i) a transmitter, which broadcasts the information to be sent, and (ii) a receiver, which receives the transmitted information. 

  1. Transmitter

A transmitter is a device that sends a message from one place to another. It consists of a source of electromagnetic energy (e.g., radio waves) and a receiver, amplifying the energy and turning it into an electrical signal.

  1. Receiver

In a communication system, a receiver is a machine that responds to the received signal. In a wireless communication system, the receiver is the physical device, such as a mobile phone, that is used to receive and decode signals transmitted by a transmitter.

Basic terms used in a communication system

A simple communication channel, such as a telephone, a radio, a walkie-talkie, a TV, or a phone, can be used to send signals. Let us discuss the basic terms used in a communication system. 

They are: 


The range is the distance between the transmitter and the receiver. The range is measured in metres or miles, for example.


Attenuation is the amount of power lost in the communication system. Attenuation is commonly expressed as a percentage.


The transducer is a device used for receiving and converting an electrical signal into a mechanical signal and vice versa. 


The amplification in the communication system is the ratio between two signals received by the receiver. The information transfer is called amplification.


The bandwidth of a communication channel is the bit rate at which data is transmitted through the channel. It is measured in bits per second. The bandwidth of a channel is specified in units of bit per second.


In a communication system, a repeater is a tool that receives, amplifies, and sends back an incoming signal. Repeaters amplify signals that may be lost or attenuated due to distance or atmospheric conditions.


Noise is a source of distortion in any communication system. Noise is a random disturbance in an unwanted signal and disturbs the desired signals. 

Process of Communication

The information can be sent over a communication system from either a person or a machine. A transmitter is positioned at one location, and a receiver is located at another location, with the channel serving as a medium between the two locations. It is the message signal that originates from the source, and it is this signal used to feed into the transmitter.

The physical media that links the transmitter and receiver (whether wired or wireless) is the channel. It is possible that the broadcast signal may be warped due to its imperfection and that some noise will be added to the transmitted signal as it propagates.

An in-depth examination of the components of the communication system, Information is the concept or message being given. It is also known as knowledge. The message may consist of a single message or a series of messages. The message might take the form of a symbol, a code, a sequence of words, or any other predetermined unit.

A transducer, modulator, amplifier, and transmitting antenna are transmitter components in radio transmission. Transducers are also known as transmitters.


Electronic communication systems transfer the data or information in the form of signals with the help of communication channels. There are two types of communication systems: analog and digital. Various elements are used in communication systems. We can apply the Free-Space Loss formula to calculate range when both the transmitter and the receiver are in line where no obstacles are present.


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