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A Study Note on Wheatstone Bridge

An Overview of Wheatstone bridge. The working principle involved and a glimpse over the concept

For measuring unknown resistance levels or for calibrating measuring devices like voltmeters and ammeters, a simple mathematical formula may be used to the Wheatstone bridge diamond-shaped circuit that Charles Wheatstone devised.

There are a variety of uses for the Wheatstone bridge (or resistive bridge) circuit, which may be used to link different transducers and sensors to current operational amplifiers.


Two basic series-parallel configurations of resistances linked to a voltage source terminal and ground provide the zero difference in electrical potential parallel branches of the Bridge Circuit when balanced. Wheatstone bridge circuits consist of four resistors arranged in a recognizable diamond-like pattern, with two inputs and two outputs. The Wheatstone bridge was constructed similarly.

Principles of Wheatstone bridge

When the Wheatstone bridge is properly balanced, it may be seen as two parallel series strings. We learned about IR drops, or voltage drops across individual resistors in series, in our Resistors in Series course. These voltage drops are caused by Ohm’s Law and the current-voltage across the resistor. Take a look at a circuit in sequence.

A single current runs through both resistors since they are connected in series. As a result, V/RT is used to express the flux through all these two series-connected resistors.

Voltage divided by resistance equals current.

An emitter resistor throughout the secondary resistor R2 is equal to the following:

VR2 = I R2 = 0.4 A 20 ohms = 8 V[1] 

There are two series resistors: VR1 and VR2, and the voltage across each one is proportional to the resistance of each one. A voltage divider network or potential divider circuit is the result of this idea of voltage division.

Assuming we use the identical equivalent resistance in parallel as the first series resistor circuit, we’d end up with the Same resulting current through all the connected in series with resistors R3 and R4 swapped, and amplitude at point D, also the potential difference across resistor R4, will be:

When the current through the resistor is divided by the ohmic resistance, the voltage across the resistor is equal to VR4.

This means that the power loss between ports C and D would be 4 volts now that VR4 has decreased across it by 4 volts: C = 8 volts, and D = 4 If that’s the case, the voltage difference is: 8 – 4 = 4 volts

When the two resistors are swapped, the parallel network’s two “arms” create very different voltage decreases. Unbalanced parallel networks occur when the voltage at integrand differs from that at point D, resulting in a voltage imbalance.

Wheatstone bridge circuits are known for their ability to measure voltage differences between balanced and unbalanced voltages because of the impedance ratio of the two parallel arms ACB and ADB.

Because R1 and R2 have set values, whereas R3 may be variable, a Wheatstone bridge circuitry is used to compare a resistor RX to known resistances. If we attached a voltmeter, an ammeter, or a galvanometer to points C and D and then changed resistor R3 until the metres read zero, the two arms would be matched as well as the amount of RX would be determined (substituting R4).

Infrared sensor for the Wheatstone bridge

Many important electrical applications include the measurement of changes in temperature, pressure, or strain using balanced bridge circuits. Wheatstone bridges can make use of a variety of resistive sensors, such as photo resistive sensors (LDRs), postural detectors (potentiometers), piezo-resistive sensors (strain gauges), and temperature sensors (thermistors), for example.

The use of a photo resistive device to detect light is one of numerous Wheatstone bridges used in sensing a wide variety of electrical and mechanical variables. In the bridge network, a light-dependent resistor, or LDR, is used to replace one of the resistors

For example, an LDR, often known as a CDS photocell, is an inactive resistive sensor that measures variations of apparent levels of light and translates them into changes in resistance and voltage output. It is possible to monitor and measure the amount of light intensity or the ON/OFF status of a light source using light-dependent resistors (LDR).

orp12 light-dependent resistor normally does have a resistance of around one mega ohm (M) in dark or low light, about 900 ohms at 100 Lux (typically well-lit room) and down to about 30 ohms in brilliant sunshine, The resistance decreases with increasing light intensity. We can keep track of any changes in light levels by attaching a light-sensitive resistance towards the Wheatstone bridge circuit shown above


Even while nowadays digital multimeters are the most convenient method to measure resistance, they are not without their limitations. For measuring resistance levels down to milli-Ohms (m), a Wheatstone bridge would be used to correlate an approximate value to a previously measured value.


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