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Trigonometry-Identities & Equations-Trigonomertic Ratios Of Multiple And Sub-Multiple Angles

In our article on  Trigonometric Ratios Of Multiple And Submultiple Angles, we will discuss the trigonometric ratio and properties based on the multiple and submultiple angles; we will also see some of the major properties, ratios and formulas of similar topics. 

Trigonometric Ratios Of Multiple And Submultiple Angles

In trigonometry, we are required to deal with many angles. These angles alone can be considered multiple angles, and parts of this angle like half, one-third of the angle can be considered sub-multiples. When we talk about multiple angles, we can easily understand that an angle can be made up of many angles, and we can divide these angles into many parts and subparts. t=in this article, we will learn how to utilise the ratio of multiple and submultiple angles. Before going into the deep, we must understand the properties of multiple and submultiple angles. For this purpose, we are required to justify these properties. 

Let’s take a look at the below circle.

sin(ab)= sinacosb casasinb

Let’s take a look on the below circle

From the above circle, we can say that.

sin(a+b) = qu

                            = qs+su


                                         =qr sin+or sin a


qr=sin b, θ = 90-a, or= cos b


Let’s put the above values in the main equation, 


sin(a + b) = sin b sin(90-a)+cos b sin a


=sin a cos b + cos a sin b


Similarly, we can prove the relation. 


sin(a-b)= sin a cos b-cos a sin b


Let’s move toward the next property.


cos(ab)= cos a cos b sin a sin b


Let’s refer to the above image, from which we can say that.


cos(a+b) = ou


= ot – tu


= or cos a-pq cos θ


= cos a cos b-sin a sin b


Similarly, we can prove that.


cos(a-b) = cos a cos b + sin a sin b


Let’s move toward our next property.


tan(a b) = (tan a tan b)/1tan a tan b


As we know tanA = sinA/cosA then 


tan(a+b) = sin(a+b)/cos(a+b)

= (sin a cos b + cos a sin b)/(cos a cos b – sin a sin b)


In the above equation, dividing the numerator and denominator by cosacosb can give us our required relation.


The above-given properties are very few but one of the most important and used properties of multiple and submultiple angles. After understanding them, we are ready to move toward the ratios of multiple and submultiple angles.


We mainly find the usage of the angle ratio in terms of half value of angle and one-third value of the angle. To generate the intuition behind the topic, we will look at the ratio of these two only.


Ratio angle in terms of the angle divided by two.

  • sina=sin(2a/2)=2sina/2cosa/2
  • sina=2sin(a/2)cos(a/2) =2sin(a/2)cos(a/2)cos2(a/2)+sin2(a/2) = 2tan(a/2)1+tan2(a/2)   
  • sina =2tan(a/2)1+tan2(a/2) = (2/cot(a/2))1+cot2(a/2) =2cot(a/2)1+cot2(a/2)  
  • cosa = cos(2a/2) = cos2(a/2) – sin2(a/2)  = 1-sin2(a/2) -sin2(a/2)=1-2sin2(a/2)
  • cosa=cos2(a/2) – sin2(a/2)  = cos2(a/2) – 1 +cos2(a/2) = 2cos2(a/2) – 1
  • cosa = cos2(a/2) – sin2(a/2)=cos2(a/2) – sin2(a/2)cos2(a/2) + sin2(a/2) = 1-tan2(a/2)1+tan2(a/2)=cot2(a/2) – 1cot2(a/2) + 1
  • tana=2tan(a/2)1-tan2(a/2)=2cot(a/2)cot2(a/2)-1
  • tana=cot2(a/2)-12cot(a/2)= 1-tan2(a/2)2tan(a/2)

Ratio angle in terms of the angle divided by three.

  • sina= sin(3a/3)=3cos(a/3)-4cos3(a/3)
  • cosa=cos(3a/3)=3cos(a/3)-4coss3(a/3)
  • tana=tan(3a/3)=3tan(a/3)-tan3(a/3)1-3tan2(a/3)


  Here we have gone through some important ratios of multiple and submultiple angles. We many journals, we may find confusion about multiple angles; for example, in some places, we find an example of angles in the multiplication of 2, 3, or 4, and they call it multiple angles such as 2a, 3a, 4a are an example of multiple angles and a/2, a/3 and a/4 are an example of submultiple angles.


In this article, we are going to take a look at some of the important formula we find for trigonometric ratio of submultiple and multiple of an angle:


  1. | sin A/2 + cos A/2 | = √(1 + sin A)  
  2. sin A/2 + cos A/2 =  + √(1 + sin A), if 2nπ – π/4 ≤ A/2 ≤ 2nπ + 3π/4
  3. | sin A/2 – cos A/2 | = √(1 – sin A)
  4. a cos A + b sin A < √a2 + b2
  5. tan A/2 = ± √(1-cos A) / (1+cos A)


In the above-given formulas, we can easily replace the values of sub-multiple angles with multiple angles and make them work in either of the conditions. 


Let us make our understanding clearer about the topic by solving an example. Here to understand it more, we can find the value of cos 67 1°/2. 


Consider, a = 67.5°


Using the above equations, we know that. 


  cosa= 2cos2(a/2) – 1




cos2a=2cos2a – 1


Here, we also know that cos(135) = -1/√2, so,


-1√2=2cos2(67.5) – 1


2cos2(67.5) = 1-12


We can also write it as, 


cos2(67.5) = 2-224




cos(67.5) = (2-222


Here we have seen how we found the value of cos(67.5) using the ratio of multiple and sub-multiple angles.


In the article, we have discussed the trigonometric ratio of multiple and submultiple angles. With this understanding, we also discussed the properties of multiple and submultiple angles. With some of the important formulas, we also discussed an example of using a ratio of multiple angles.



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