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Area of Triangle

This article contains study material notes on the properties and area of a triangle. Get to know about the area of a triangle and its various formulas.

The area of a triangle is the space enclosed as per two dimensions. As we are all aware, the equilateral triangle consists of three sides and three verticals. In triangles, the area is defined as the amount of space taken up by the three sides. A “region” is generally defined as a region enclosed within an object or figure. A square unit of measurement is a square metre (m2). Formulas for computing the area of a square, rectangle, circle, triangle, etc., are predetermined. 

A triangle’s area is calculated by multiplying its base by height and using Heron’s Formula for the second. Multiplying the base and the height of a triangle and dividing that amount by two gives the area of the triangle. Due to the triangle’s relationship to a parallelogram, it can be decomposed into two triangles. 

What is an Area of a Triangle? 

Triangles are defined as 2D shapes composed of three sides. Triangles are called so because their base is perpendicular to their height. The total space filled in the sides of a triangle is called the triangle’s area. You can determine how big a triangle’s area is by dividing its height by half of its base. 

In mathematics, the surface area of the triangle may be calculated using a variety of formulae. Knowing the lengths of all three sides of a triangle allows us to use Heron’s Formula to calculate its area. When two sides of a triangle and the angle between them are known, trigonometric functions may be used to determine the triangle’s area.  

The Triangle area equals half the product of height and the base. Whenever a shape occupies space, it is said to have an area. To determine this area, divide the shape into square units and count how many square units are in shape. 

Triangles can be formed from rectangles. Imagine a rectangle with dimensions of 4 cm x 3 cm. Therefore, the area is 3 x 4 or 12 square centimetres when filled with 3 rows of 4 unit squares. As a result, the area of a rectangle may be computed by multiplying its length by its breadth. 

Area of a Triangle by Heron’s formula 

Heron’s formula may be used to compute the area of a triangle when the lengths of its three sides are known. Our formula needs the triangle’s perimeter, which is the distance travelled around the triangle and is computed by summing the lengths of the three sides. Heron’s formula consists of two phases: 

  • Adding all three triangle sides and dividing by two yields the triangle’s semiperimeter. 
  • The second step is to apply the triangular semiperimeter value in the main formula, Heron’s Formula. 

Area of Triangle: Formulae 

Listed here are the formulae for calculating the area of triangle formula of various shapes and sizes, including equilateral triangles, right-angled triangles, and isosceles triangles, as well as their circumferences. 

A right-angled triangle’s area 

Right-angled triangles can be viewed as triangles with one angle equal to 90°, and two acute angles added up to 90°. Therefore, the diagonal side of the triangle is the triangle’s height. 

Area=½*product of sides opposite to acute angles.

Equilateral triangle area 

Triangles with equilateral sides are called equilateral triangles. As a result of drawing the perpendicular from the vertex to the base, the base has two equal sections. 

Area=√3/4*a2  , where a is the side of equilateral triangle

Area of a Triangle – Basic Terms 


A parallelogram consists of a segment with the endpoint perpendicular to one side of a line and the other endpoint on the opposite end of that line. 


A segment whose endpoint is to be found on a base and perpendicular to it and the endpoint found on the line containing that base is known as Trapezoid. 

Triangle’s Altitude 

An endpoint of a triangle segment is perpendicular to the vertex and located on the opposite side is the Triangle’s Altitude. 


An Apothem is a segment that intersects a regular polygon at its centre and its midpoint. 


An area is a Two-dimensional region measured by combining its length and width. 

Parallelogram base 

It is an altitude endpoint located on the side of a triangle. 

A regular polygon’s centre 

It is the equidistant points that are within the regular polygons. 

A Regular Polygon’s Central Angle 

Angles with vertices at the centre and their sides (rays) extend from endpoints. 


The length of their curves in structures like circles. 

The Heron’s Formula 

The Triangle area can be calculated using this formula. The formula is named after the mathematician who proved it worked the first time. Heron’s formula can only be used when you know the sides of a triangle. 


The length of a closed curve or a series of closed curves defines a region. 


Even though there is no simple formula in most quadrilaterals that are polygons to determine area, there are specific formulas for determining the area of parallelograms and trapezoids. Triangles, however, have a defined area. Therefore, it is essential to divide a polygon into multiple triangles. Each triangle within a regular polygon has the same area. You can calculate a triangle’s area in three different ways as discussed above. 


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