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A Detailed View On Properties Of Determinants

This article will discuss determinants of matrices, their properties and functions in maths and science and how determinants help in research work.

A matrix is a rectangle array that is like a group of numbers, characters, or any other data organised in rows or columns; these are used to describe a mathematical object or properties in the subject of mathematics.

A determinant is always found to be working with a square matrix, which has equal number of rows and columns. Thus, we can say that whenever we solve a square matrix, we get an answer as a result. This result or the answer is said to be the determinant of that particular matrix. A determinant can be a positive number or a negative number as well. It can also be a Real number or a Complex Number as well.

Properties of Determinants: 

Determinant is used to determine if a matrix can be inverted or not. Determinants also help in the analysis and finding solutions of continuous linear equations, which is called the Cramer’s rule or in calculus, and also helps in finding the areas of a triangle. |A| or det (A) is the determinant of a matrix A.

  • The determinant is similar in any row as well as column.
  • The result of the determinants is 0 when all of the elements present in a row or maybe a column are all zeros.
  • The Identity matrix’s determinant is 1.
  • If the rows, as well as columns, get swapped, the determinant’s value stays the same; there is no change in value. As a result, det(A) = det(AT), with AT being the transpose of matrix A.
  • When any two rows or two columns of a given determinant are switched, the determinant’s value is usually multiplied by -1
  • When all components of some given determinant’s row or column are multiplied by a scalar quantity, say k, the resulting determinant’s amount is k times that of the original determinant amount. If A is an n-row of a square matrix, as well as K is some scalar value, then |KA| equals K^n|A|.
  • The value of some given determinant is 0 if two rows or more columns of the determinants are equal.
  • If A as well as B are two matrices, then det(AB) = det(A)*det(B).
  • The product that generates from the elements of the main diagonal is the determinant of a diagonal matrix, a triangular matrix which is upper triangular or a lower triangular matrix.
  • Whenever the elements in a determinant is the sum of two elements in any row or a column, the determinant is defined as the sum of two determinants with the same order.
  • The determinant has a property that states that the sum of the products of rows or column elements of any given matrix with the cofactors that relate to the corresponding values of another row or a column is zero.


The article talks in brief about determinants of matrices and their properties. The determinants and their properties help understand the topic of matrices in a better and more efficient way. The properties are simple guidelines that are followed when solving matrices with determinants, and these can be learned easily through this article.


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