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Indian Constitution

The Indian constitution is one of the biggest constitutions in the world and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar has created that.

The supreme law of India is the Indian constitution. India is regarded as the fusion of states and a democratic republic is a republic. The Indian constitution has a definite parliamentary structure of the Indian government. The Indian constitution is the ultimate place of the judiciary system as well as the ultimate legal power of the country. The Indian constitution is regarded as the largest most written constitution in the world and the formal source of all constitutional laws in the country. The constitution of India is a written constitution thus it has certain implications as well. The constitution had been adopted on November 26, 1949, and finally came into action on January 26, 1950. 

Definition and different parts of Indian constitution 

There is no such proper definition of the Indian constitution. It can be discussed clearly as the constitution that is regarded as one of the largest constitutions in the world having many certain implications, is the Indian constitution. The constitution is the only written constitution in the world and was written by the great Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. The Indian constitution had been firstly adopted on 26 November 1949 and that came into action on 26 January 1950. The constitution has been regarded as the formal source of all the constitutional laws. There are many major parts that the Indian constitution has. Those are the Union and its territories, secondly, the Citizenship, third, the Fundamental Rights, fourth, the Directive Principles of the state policies, fifth, the Fundamental duties and many more parts as well. 

The territory of the Indian constitution needs to be composed of the territories of the states. The second most important part is the citizenship that demands some clear documents of the citizens who were born in the Indian Territory, or their parents were from the Indian Territory. In some cases, there are also some rights for the persons who migrated from Pakistan to India at the time of division. Part 3 is also the very crucial part of the Indian constitution that is the Fundamental rights. Right to freedom, Right to equality, Right against exploitation, Right to freedom of religion, and many other fundamental rights had been declared in the Indian constitution. 

Background of the Indian constitution

The Indian constitution had been embraced through the constituent assembly of India on November 26, 1949. After the adaptation, the constitution permanently came into action on January 26, 1950. After getting into action, the Indian constitution replaced the Indian government act 1935. Before independence, India had two parts: British India and the kingly states that were ruled by the princes of India. After some time these two entities came together for the formation of the Great Indian union. The democracy of India is considered as the parliamentary form of democracy where the administrator is the most responsible one. 

The parliament of India has dual houses that are the Lok Sabha and the Rajya sabha. The Indian civilians also have self-governance at the local government levels.  The Charter act of 1813 was one of the most crucial aspects that suggested the British companies trading business in India. For all the British subjects there needs to be the authority for trading in India. The next charter act was 1833 when Lord William Bentinck the governor-general of Bengal became the governor-general of India. This step was considered the first procedure towards centralization in British India.

Functions of the Indian constitution

There are mainly five crucial functions of the Indian constitution. Those are the maintenance of law and order in the society, it assists for the effective governing of all the states, and it protects freedom of the compatriots. The constitution of India deals with all the fundamental rights of the citizens. A country like India cannot run forward if there is no such constitutional law. The constitution helps to maintain law and order. Every citizen of the country needs to follow the rules that are recorded in the Indian constitution. 

The main reason behind this theory is to maintain peace all over the country. Secondly, every state of India needs a government body so that they can look after the issues of the masses and solve them accordingly because one government body cannot look after all the states of the country especially when the country is India. Third, the constitution of India gives freedom to every civilian over his or her speeches and religions as well. It also helps to protect the freedom of the compatriots. The fundamental rights of the citizens of India have been taken to a much safer place so that the overall peace can flow over the country. 


The Indian constitution is one of the most important topics that can be discussed very broadly. Here in this research paper, a quite elaborate explanation has been given to the readers so that they can gain better knowledge about the Indian constitution. The parts of the Indian constitution and the factors of the Indian constitution are the key points that will help future scholars for their further studies. The background of the Indian constitution needs to be known to all the readers and for that purpose, this research paper will work well. Lastly, the FAQ part resolves all the rest of the queries and helps to increase the knowledge. 


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the NDA Examination Preparation.

What kind of a constitution is the Indian constitution?

Ans:The Indian constitution is one of the biggest and is the only written constitution in the world.

Who was the creator of the Indian constitution?

Ans:Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was the creator of the Indian constitution.

What was the main reason behind the making of the Indian constitution?

Ans:The impact of the British government and the social system was the two main reasons behind it.

What are the functions of the Indian constitution?

Ans:There are five functions of the Indian constitution that are the freedom of civilians, fundamental rights, effective governing states, maintena...Read full