The five-year plans are one of the important plans in the domain of the History of India. The plan sets out a detailed and well-defined framework for the allocation of economic resources. These resources are then utilised to achieve the target as planned by the government of India. These are of 5 years in duration hence; these are known as the five years plan.
In India after independence, the government set up the renowned planning commission. This planning commission is the responsible authority to implement the five years plan. The first five year plan was launched in 1951. Since then various plans are projected by the planning commission. Each of those specific plans addressed some special objectives and also devised various detailed strategies.
Explain in detail the various five years plans
The five-year plans are the detailed plans made by the planning commission in India. These plans are of five years in duration and target achieving the goals in that limited period. The necessary allocation of resources is also done to achieve the targets in time. The first five-year plan was initiated in 1951. The first prime minister of India Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was the father of these five-year plans. The first five-year plan targeted especially the development of the agriculture and allied sectors. The strengthening of the base of India through a transition in the agro sector was felt important. This five-year plan also targeted solving other issues that occurred due to the partition of India.
The second five-year plan targeted the rapid industrialization and development of the public sector to strengthen the economy. The third and fourth five-year plans are aimed at developing the sector of agriculture and growth with proper stability and achieving self-reliance.
The fifth five-year plan aimed at upliftment of the poor and employment creation to strengthen the economy of India. The sixth and seventh five years targeted population control and enhancement of social justice and equity. The eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth five year plans also addressed key issues like trade, commerce, health, transport and communications, power sectors to bring rapid transformation in India.
The objectives of five-year plans
The five-year plan aimed at enhancing proper economic growth. After the independence of India, the urgent need to boost the development of India was felt. Thus the five year plans targeted achieving the progress of India in this direction. This was needed due to the economic slowdown after British rule in India.
The five-year plan targets achieving economic equality and proper social justice. The need to address these was of utmost importance as India consists of people from different castes, creeds and religions. Often many such people are segregated into the society, this, in turn, drags the upliftment of this society. Hence the establishment of equity and justice was needed.
The progress of the society can be targeted only by proper employment generation. Hence these five-year plans are aimed at employment creation. The attainment of economic self-reliance was another key issue being addressed by the five-year plans. This was needed to strengthen the foundation of modern India.
The overall development in the real sense can be achieved by the modernization of India. This was also set as an important objective under the five-year plans. It targeted the structural and institutional changes in India.
The strategies of five-year plans
The five-year plan has various strategies in its operation like improvement in the transport and communication facilities all across India. The plans also focused on improvement in the health infrastructure and aimed at enhancing the reach of these facilities to all the remote corners of India. The first “five year plan” of 1951-1956 displayed a growth rate of “3.6%” that is more than the goal of “2.1%”. The second “five year plan” of 1956-1961 achieved a growth rate of 4.27%” that is less than the targeted growth rate of “4.5%”. The third “five year plan” in between 1961-1966 highlighted a growth rate of “2.4%” that was much less than the target rate of “5.6%”. The fourth “five years plan” in between 1969-1974, failed to achieve its targeted rate of “5.7%” rather it showed only “3.3%” growth. The fifth “five year plan” of India in between 1974-1978 acquired a growth rate of “4.8%” that was more than the targeted growth rate of “4.4%”.
The five-year plans are one of the most important measures passed by the government of India in the history of India. These plans are set in action under the administration of the planning commission. These are of five years in duration and hence are termed as the five-year plans.
These plans are targeted to meet certain pre-planned objectives and efficient resource allocation and mobilisation is done under these plans. These plans are very important as they aim at the reduction of poverty and alleviate the poor people, especially below the poverty line. These plans are to achieve self-reliance and rapid human capital development.