NDA » NDA Study Material » Indian History » ECONOMIC IMPACT OF BRITISH RULE


In the year 1608, approx. The British landed in India. Gradually they started to occupy this country and also controlled the country following their own rules, which created an economic impact all over India. Here we will discuss this.

Introduction: –

Today, we will learn about the economic impact of British rule in India. It is undeniable that the social, economic and cultural impact of British rule on India is immense. However, here, we will specifically discuss the economic impact of British rule in India. The economic policies of the British government made a rapid transformation on the Indian economy. In the year between 1600 to 1757 British got the primary profit from selling Indian products abroad. The British government made economic policies for the Indians very cleverly. By these policies, India always remained dependent on them. These policies completely break the traditional structure of the Indian economy.


The basic reason for the British to come to India was for trading purposes. In that period, Britain faced the Industrial Revolution. For that reason, they needed so many raw materials for their factories, which mainly came from India as well as they also needed a proper market for selling their finished goods. India can give them these two, a huge source of raw materials and a perfect market for selling those finished products. Therefore, the foremost economic impact of British rule in India was that the country became the centre of British trade. This further impacted the overall economic structure of the country

  •       A disaster on India’s traditional Economy: After the British entered India, the Indian traditional economy became dependent on the British. They were controlling the system in their way to make themselves beneficial. 
  •       Demolition of Artisans and Craftsmen: In the early 1800 century suddenly, the Indian urban handicrafts industry collapsed. The British created this situation, and they imported some advanced technological and industrial machines that could make urban handicrafts more advanced than the Indian products. During 1780s, the British began shipping machine-made cotton and fabric to India. Britain’s textile sector prospered thanks to policies that promoted the export of reduced-cost fabric and restricted the purchase of Indian fabric, but India’s business struggled under the same policies. Gradually the artisan and craftsman were getting demolished by the British policies.
  •       Introduced new landlord system: In the year 1815  the land in Bengal passed to the hands of some new landlords. They took the land from the old zamindar in exchange for less money. In this way, the old zamindars are destroyed by the new landlord, which further created challenges for the economy of the country. 
  •       Sad facts regarding farmers: The British government tried to give innovation everywhere. For that reason, they try to make some improvements in land productivity with the help of their new landlords while taking over the lands or doing indigo cultivation, leading to the Indigo Revolt. In some areas, the landlords forced farmers to sell their land at very low prices.
  •       Poor situations of agriculture: The new landlord has no roots in those villages. The government also invests so little money for agriculture purposes that it cannot help produce a standard quality of grains.

The economic impact of British rule in India in the modern era are discussed below:-

In the 19th century, some advanced industrial machines came to India to start a new industry: the cotton textile industry. In the year 1853, the first cotton industry started in Bombay and in the year 1855 a jute mill opened at Rishra in Hooghly district. Those industries were running very successfully within very few days. India benefited from this industry due to the high range of profit level, and huge availability of labour which was very cheap. As well as, India started to export tea, Jutes, garments to get more profit.

Another example of the economic impact of British rule in India is an economic drain. Those products that are manufactured in India the British government exported those products to Britain and some other countries to get more revenue. But the Indians cannot get those products to consume. Those products were totally drained in some other country. However, you can also see that the British rules provided growth in the Indian economy as well.  At the same time, due to British rule, India first saw the introduction of railways that further enhanced the economic and political standpoint of India. 

Some positive and negative economic impact of british rule in india:

Positive impacts: –

  •       The British government was making the world’s third largest railway network in India.
  •       It helped the country to get connected with the outer world.
  •       The modern road, telegrams, telephone were also introduced at that time.
  •       Sanitization and public health were improved.
  •       Education systems were also introduced.

Thus, they made that for their purpose, but later, Indians also benefited from this.

Negative impacts: –

  •       Ruin the Indian owned traditional businesses.
  •       Huge unemployment.
  •       Indian educational identity was lost instead of British educational systems for educational purposes.

Now we are discussing the cultural impact of British rule.

  •       The British government united India under a single government body.
  •       They also made English a national language.
  •       Introduce so many medicines and build some hospitals in India as well.

Lastly, some other social impacts are

  •       By using the British manufacturer, they made some local cottage industry.
  •       Indian workers worked for very little pay, but their quality of work was very efficient.


After this revolution in India, the British government had many effects on India. Some of them made our country develop, and some of them also destroyed some existing things and plans. These changes could not go for long; during the periods of the First World War, every change was finished by the situations.


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