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What is an Earthquake?

Are you willing to understand the causes of earthquakes and their effects on life? Then this article is for you. Learn about more such concepts like types of earthquakes, consequences of earthquakes, etc.

An earthquake is a natural calamity that happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another. The surface where the blocks slip is known as the fault or fault plane. The location below the earth’s surface where the earthquake begins is known as the hypocenter, and the location directly above the Earth’s surface is called the epicentre. Sometimes an earthquake consists of foreshocks. Foreshocks are smaller earthquakes that occur in the same region as the larger earthquake. The main earthquake is known as the mainshock. Mainshocks always consist of aftershocks that follow. These are smaller earthquakes that occur afterwards in the same region where the mainshock occurs. Depending on the size of the mainshock, aftershocks can take place for weeks, months, or even years after the mainshock takes place! 

Causes of Earthquake

The Earth’s crust contains numerous huge lithospheric plates along with small plates. These huge plates, as well as small plates, move towards each other (known as a convergent boundary), apart (known as a divergent boundary), or past each other (known as transform boundary). The earthquake causes include the sudden release of stress along faults in the Earth’s crust. The constant motion of Tectonic plates leads to a steady build-up of pressure on both sides of a fault in the rock strata. This build-up of pressure is created until the stress is sufficiently great. This results in waves of seismic energy propagation through the ground and over its surface. This leads to earthquakes, and living beings perceive this as shaking the Earth.

Types of Earthquake 

Earthquakes are categorised into 4 types, namely Tectonic earthquakes, induced earthquakes, volcanic earthquakes as well as collapse earthquakes. 

Tectonic Earthquakes

Earthquakes that are caused due to plate tectonics are known as tectonic quakes. Tectonic earthquakes account for most earthquakes around the World, and they usually take place at the boundaries of tectonic plates.

Induced Earthquakes

Induced earthquakes are caused due to human activities such as tunnel construction, filling reservoirs, and implementing geothermal or fracking projects.

Volcanic Earthquakes

Volcanic Earthquakes are connected with active volcanism. Volcanic earthquakes are generally not as powerful as compared to tectonic Earthquakes. Volcanic earthquakes often occur near the surface. 

Collapse Earthquakes

Collapse earthquakes are small earthquakes that take place in underground caverns and mines. Collapse Earthquakes are caused by seismic waves produced by the explosion of rock on the surface. 

Consequences of earthquakes

The reality of earthquakes is that they lead to a lot of air pollution through the release of dust and other accumulated pollutants. Earthquakes result in the leaking of numerous hazardous materials and increased risk for moulds as well as other microbial organisms as a result of increased moisture along with dampening in the environment. Following issues are arisen due to earthquakes :

Air pollution

Earthquakes affect the atmosphere as Gas emissions from the ground release toxic gases. These toxic gases are released into the atmosphere. Earthquakes lead to dust, debris, and gas emissions released from the ground. These toxic gases are released into the atmosphere, adding to the air people breathe. This results in air pollution.

Water pollution

When the intense shaking due to earthquakes takes place, an influx of sediments from the surrounding region can affect the quality and groundwater systems. This could lead to water pollution.


An earthquake is a natural calamity when two blocks of the earth slide past each other. In some cases, earthquakes consist of foreshocks. Foreshocks are known as smaller earthquakes following the main earthquake in the same region. Foreshocks can continue for weeks, months, or even years. Earthquakes are categorised into four types: Tectonic earthquakes, Induced earthquakes, Volcanic earthquakes, and Collapse earthquakes. An earthquake is caused due to sudden release of stress along faults in the Earth’s crust. Earthquakes result in air pollution along with water pollution. When earthquakes occur, it affects the atmosphere as gas emissions are released into the atmosphere. These gasses can lead to air pollution. On the other hand, the intense shaking in an earthquake can lead to an influx of sediments around the surrounding region. This results in water pollution.  

Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the NDA Examination Preparation.

How much does the earthquake generally last long?

Answer: An earthquake usually lasts for about 10 seconds to 30 seconds. However, aftershocks can continue for weeks ...Read full

Mention some signs of the arrival of an earthquake.

Answer: Some signs that earthquakes will occur include ground tilting, foreshocks, the water level in wells, etc. ...Read full

Which country experiences the maximum number of earthquakes?

Answer: China is most prone to earthquakes and has experienced 157 earthquakes from 1900 to 2016.

How are earthquakes monitored?

Answer: Earthquakes are monitored with the help of an instrument named Seismometers. Vibrations due to seismic waves...Read full