The entire article depicts “latitudes and longitudes” – countries lying on the equator as the equator passes through 13 countries. These countries are such as “Ecuador,” “Colombia,” “Sao Tome & Principe”, “Democratic Republic of Congo”, “Republic of Congo”, “Kenya”, “Somalia”, “Indonesia” and so on. Out of 13 countries, seven countries belong to “Africa” and three countries are from “South America” and the rest are the island countries in the ‘Pacific “ and” Indian oceans” and one in Asia. In addition, this article also focuses on “the climate of the equator” as well as “natural resources in the equatorial region.” Furthermore, this report also depicts the diameter of the equator as well as sunrise and sunset of the equator in the geographical coordinate system. Abundance of several natural resources played a significant role in the exporting business deals of these equatorial nations. 

What are the countries that are lying on the equator?

The countries that are lying on the equator are such as “Democratic Republic of Congo”, “Colombia”, “Ecuador”, “Sao Tome & Principe”, “Indonesia”, “Somalia”, “Republic of Congo”, “Keniya”, “Gabon”, “Uganda”, “Maldives”, “Kiribati” and “Brazil”. Out of the 13 countries mentioned above, 11 countries are directly in contact with the equatorial plane. In addition, “Kiribati” and “Maldives” do not touch the equator; instead, the equator proceeds through water belonging to these nations. Furthermore, out of 13 countries, seven countries belong to “Africa”, three nations are from “South America”, and the rest are island countries of the Indian and Pacific oceans. 

Climate of the equator

 Countries that are situated along the equator experience much warmer temperatures as it is exposed to the sunlight directly throughout the year. Countries that are situated on the equatorial region of the earth’s surface have approximately half of the rainforests of the world that includes African countries, Indonesia, Brazil, and Congo. In addition, the levels of rainfall as well as sunlight are perfect or sufficient for the plant growth and development at large scale along the equatorial lines.

 As in the geographical coordinate system, the equator shows a diverse climatic zone, as hot and tropical conditions are normal phenomena in this zone. Despite constant temperature in all countries that are lying on the equatorial plane, there are unexpected differences in the humidity as well as rainfall on the equator region. Wind current is the determining factor for the vibrant fluctuation in the rainfall and humidity in these regions of the equatorial plane. Furthermore, “the equator” is the one of the “five lines of latitudes” that is generally used to instruct the people on the global world map. Moreover, the other four lines are such as “tropic of Cancer”, “tropic of Capricorn”, “Arctic circle”, “Antarctic circle”. Equator is situated at zero degree on the earth surface.  There is little variation in the temperature throughout the year. In September, the highest temperature is 29 degree Celsius and lowest temperature is measured in December that is 26 degree Celsius.  

What are the natural resources in the equatorial region?

The equatorial zone is enriched with several natural resources such as oil, fisheries, forestry’s and so on. In addition, other natural resources include gold, bauxite, petroleum, natural gas, diamonds, sand, clay, gravel, and tantalum. Furthermore, forests are the most abundant natural resource that is found in the equatorial climatic zone. Timber, manganese, and uranium are also found in this zone. An ideal rainfall in the equatorial zone, that promotes the growth and development of the lush plants and trees. These above-mentioned natural resources are also determined by their ideal climatic factors of this zone. Petroleum is one of the most exporting commodities by these countries that are lying on the equatorial zone. 


The entire article emphasized on the different aspects of the equatorial zones as well as countries that are lying on the equator. Furthermore, this article highlights the diameter of the equator in the geographical coordinate system. Natural resources and ideal climatic zones of these countries make remarkable factors in increasing their exporting commodities. As oil is the most abundant natural resource of the African countries as well as manganese and petroleum are also playing an important factor for these countries. Furthermore, the equator is characterized by the hot, warm, and humid climatic factors.