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How Planet Earth Came Into Existence

We live on the earth but how it came into existence is a great mystery and a debatable topic. This article discusses the origin and formation of the earth.

There are many myths and legends about the creation of planet Earth. Some say that a god or goddess created it, while others believe that it was simply an act of chance. But what is the true story behind the creation of our planet? In this post, we will explore the scientific evidence that exists for the creation of Earth. We will also take a look at some of the theories that scientists have put forward to explain how our planet came into existence. 

What is the theory of evolution?

The theory of evolution is the scientific explanation for how life on Earth has changed over time. The theory states that all living things are descended from a common ancestor. Over time, the descendants of this ancestor have changed and adapted to their environment. This process is known as natural selection. The theory of evolution is supported by evidence from many different fields, including biology, anthropology, and paleontology.

Formation of Earth

The planet Earth is thought to have formed around a billion years ago. The early Earth was a very different place than it is today. It was much hotter and had a very thin atmosphere. The first life forms on Earth were simple bacteria-like organisms. Over time, these Life forms became more complex. Eventually, plants and animals began to appear.

The planet Earth has been through many changes since it first formed. It has been hit by huge asteroids, had ice ages, and has been home to many different types of life forms. But it is still here, orbiting the Sun and providing a home for all of us.

What are the interior layers of the earth?

The planet Earth consists of four distinct layers which include the first layer called the crust, the mantle as the second layer, the third layer as the outer core, and finally the inner core. Each one has a unique chemical composition and plays an important role in the formation and evolution of our planet.

The crust is considered the outermost layer of the planet Earth and is made up of solid rock. The mantle is the layer below the crust and is also made up of solid rock. The outer core is the layer below the mantle and is made up of molten metal. The inner core is the layer below the outer core and is also made up of solid metal.

What is the crust made of?

The crust is made up of solid rock. The most common type of rock found in the crust is granite. The crust is also made up of metals, such as iron and aluminium. The crust is about a kilometre thick.

What is the mantle made of?

The mantle is made up of hot, molten rock. The mantle is about two kilometres thick.

What is the exterior of the earth made of?

The exterior of the planet earth comprises the first layer as the solid lithosphere, then the liquid hydrosphere, and lastly the gaseous atmosphere.

Solid Lithosphere:  The solid lithosphere consists of the earth’s crust and the upper mantle.

Liquid hydrosphere:  The liquid hydrosphere consists of the earth’s oceans, lakes, rivers, and groundwater.

Gaseous atmosphere: The gaseous atmosphere consists of the earth’s atmosphere, which is made up of nitrogen, oxygen, and other gases.

Size and Surface of the earth

The size of the earth is not precisely known. The currently accepted value is that the mean radius of the earth is about 3959 miles, with a possible error of plus or minus about 30 miles. This value is based on the circumference of the earth, which is known with great accuracy from measurements of the distance around the earth made by satellite.

The surface of the earth is very complex. It has been divided into a number of different types of terrain, based on physical characteristics. The major types of terrain are mountains, plains, plateaus, and hills. Each of these has a number of subtypes. For example, mountains can be classified as volcanic, sedimentary, or metamorphic. The surface of the earth is also divided into a number of different types of landforms, based on their shape.


The story of Earth’s creation is one that has been told for centuries. It is a tale of epic proportions, filled with adventure, mystery, and magic. While the specifics may change depending on who is telling the story, the general plot remains the same. In this article, we have explored some of the different theories about how our planet came into existence.


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