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Earthquakes and Volcanoes-Types of Earthquakes

An earthquake is the movement or trembling of the earth on the plate of tectonics. The process of shaking can destroy the buildings and the surface of the earth.

The earthquake is a sudden shaking of the ground due to the passes of the seismic waves through the presence of earth and rocks. The wave produced at the time of energy stored from the earth’s crust increased suddenly. In this essay, a description of the earthquakes and volcanoes has been discussed along with their types. The primary part of this study has been presenting the types of earthquakes and the second part of this study represents the effect of different types of earthquakes. The earthquake caused the emergence of seismology at the beginning of the 20th century. The essay presents the impact of earthquakes on earth and the impact of volcano explosions.

What are earthquakes and Volcanoes?

The earthquake is a sudden shaking of the ground due to the passes of the seismic waves through the presence of earth and rocks. The earthquake happens due to the abrupt release of the strains and it has accumulated over the long term. The forces of the plate present the tectonic shapes of the earth in the previous hundreds of millions of years ago. The volcano presents the opening in the earth’s crust through the presence of lava and the ash of volcanic gases. The eruption of the volcanic presence is partly driven by the pressure on the dissolved gas. As much as the escaping gases happen through the crack in the earth’s crust. The presence of the lava with low silica content is the reaction of chemical composition. The low silica contains low viscosities and freely flows which allows the bubble to escape easily. 

What are the types of earthquakes?

The earthquake is a sudden shaking of the ground due to the passes of the seismic waves through the presence of earth and rocks. The earthquake presents in the four types that are following.

  • Tectonic Earthquake

The earthquake presents the composition loose due to the cracked fragments on the land as the tectonic plates. The capability of the plates moves slowly and gradually. The occurrence of this movement on the plates of the different forms toward presence on each other days. A huge presence of tremor occurs at the timer of the two moving tectonic plates on the slide over one another. This type of earthquake is basically known as the tectonic earthquake.  This type of earthquake is the most prevalent presentation of earthquakes in the globe. The magnitude of can be small or large that are the cause of the most of the planets present as the mass destruction. It is triggered by the tectonic earthquakes that are always severe and present their magnitudes as high that are capable of bringing down on the entire city in a second. 

  • Volcanic earthquakes

Through the comparison to the tectonic presents, volcanic earthquakes are less than prevalent. It has been typically placed before or after the eruption. The volcanic earthquakes present in the two forms are long-period volcanic and volcano-tectonic earthquakes. The volcano-tectonic earthquakes happen after the eruption of the volcano. The earthquake refers to the magma eruption inside the earth’s crust leaving space behind the earth’s crust. The means present the high pressure of the unbearable and realise itself with the massive explosion. The presence of another hand refers to a long period of volcanic earthquakes that are placed after the volcanic eruption. The priority is to experience the massive explosion inside the earth’s crust.

  • Explosion Earthquakes 

The Cause of the nuclear explosion presents the essential triggered kind of the earthquakes. It represents the biggest impact on a modern-day nuclear war. During the 1930s, the test of nuclear energy was conducted in the United States. The explosion affected numerous small towns and the villages. This type of earthquake is mainly produced by the detonation of chemicals or nuclear devices. The underground nuclear explosion presents the fire since the 1950 that has been produced in substantial earthquakes.

  • Collapsed Earthquakes

These kinds of earthquakes are generally smaller and the most common occurs near underground mines. It has been referred to as a mine burst and the presentation of the collapse that is integrated by the pressure generated by the rocks. This earthquake led to the collapse of the mines and refers to more tremors. The collapse earthquakes are prevalent based on the small town that has underground mines which are allocated. These earthquakes are smaller in underground caverns. 

Difference between earthquakes and volcanoes 

  • Volcanoes formed through the earth’s surfaces and the earthquakes present deeper within the crust.
  • The volcano has also featured in the presentation of the surface of the planet and the earthquakes are only events though it forms on certain features as per fault. 
  • The volcano is accordingly formed that has been released on the gas and the earthquakes refer to present due to the movement through the fault. 
  • The volcano leads the information and the new rocks, and the earthquakes simply caused the waves with the disturbing of the rocks. 


The conclusion of this essay has discussed the Volcanoes and the Earthquakes and the impact of both of them. The earthquake has been defined as a sudden shaking of the ground due to the passes of the seismic waves through the presence of earth and rocks. This essay has been presenting the four types of earthquakes: Tectonic earthquakes, volcanic earthquakes, Explosion earthquakes, and collapse earthquakes.


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