NDA » NDA Study Material » Geography » Cyclones and Anticyclones-Types of Cyclones

Cyclones and Anticyclones-Types of Cyclones

The classification of the cyclone and anticyclone is discussed with a detailed and informed analysis of the causes of these two types of cyclones.

The above-mentioned two types of cyclones are different from each other in every aspect, from their generation to their impacts on weather. Cyclones can cause damage to lives and properties, but anticyclones tend to affect the weather. By the end of this guide, an analysis of the types of cyclones and their impact on human lives could be understood. 

Classification of cyclones and anticyclones 

Cyclone is a type of weather condition, which compels the wind to rotate inwards, in an extremely low atmospheric pressure. The wind rotates anti-clockwise in the Northern hemisphere and in the Southern hemisphere; the wind rotates in a clockwise pattern. An average lifespan of a cyclone is approximately 9 days, which can reduce depending upon its strength. Anticyclones, on the other hand, are opposite in nature from cyclones. In an anticyclone, wind rushes outwards from a high-pressure area with a wind direction of clockwise in the Northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern hemisphere. These two types of cyclones are completely different in nature with multiple differences in their behaviour. There are Tropical cyclones that are identified as tropical depressions when surface winds blow 39 miles per hour, however, when they are more than 39 mph, these are called tropical storms. Another one belonging to the types of cyclones is called extra tropical cyclones, which form outside of the tropical zone. Extra tropical cyclones are low-pressure systems, which are caused as a response to the constant instability of westerly winds. 

What causes cyclones and anticyclones?

A cyclone is formed when certain weather conditions are met and they are frequently observed in middle and high altitude. Cyclones are observed in the low-pressure areas; hence, its presence is felt in the Equator and other tropical areas. As a result, many types of cyclones are observed in India almost every year. Cyclones are formed when warm air rises above the surface of the sea. At a high temperature, the wind becomes warm and thereby it raises upwards and instantly cold wind rushes to take its place. Similarly, the cold wind too becomes hot and rises upwards and this exact same process continues as the low-pressure area is filled by the high-pressure winds. The rapid rising of warm air creates an eye at the centre of the cyclone. 

On the other hand, anticyclones are formed due to the absence of moisture.  Anticyclones are caused by winds that blow spirally outward from the centre.  The affected areas are generally spread over a large area. Anticyclones are created by the descending of warm air, which is completely devoid of moisture. The air that lacks moisture replaces heavier components of air such as nitrogen and oxygen and thereafter, as a result, anticyclone is formed. 

Impact of the two types of cyclones on the surroundings 

The above types of cyclones can result in severe drastic outcomes in populated areas. Cyclones are capable of causing damage to lives, especially to cattle, cats, dogs, and wild animals. Severe cyclones can also cause damage to the property. On the other hand, cyclones can be held responsible for flash floods, which are often accompanied by heavy rainfall. There are primarily two to three cyclones, which occur in India, as it is a tropical area. Out of the entire country, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Odisha, and Andhra Pradesh are most affected and these areas are forced to bear the burden of casualties of the cyclones. The areas hit by the cyclones often face floods, coupled with heavy rainfall which impedes normal daily life. 

Anticyclones, on the other hand, create impacts on the weather, which are much larger than depressions. This one, between the two types of cyclones, produces periods of calm and settled weather that may last for days or weeks. It is often noticed that anticyclones pose a hindrance to the path of depression, which results in elimination of the bad weather. Other times, anticyclone forces the depression to round outside the high-pressure system that is called a blocking high. 


It can be concluded that the types of cyclones impose varying impacts on the weather of the affected area. Both of the two types of cyclones can differ in terms of strength, therefore, their impacts can be felt to varying extent as well. It can be summarized that cyclones can majorly disrupt the flow of life, in some cases heavy rainfall can lead to floods. As a result, people in the affected areas may lose their homes. On the other hand, anticyclones can manipulate weather conditions and cause natural phenomena, for instance, heat waves can be caused due to anticyclones.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the NDA Examination Preparation.

What is the energy potential of a tropical cyclone?

Ans:Tropical cyclones, which are one of many types of cyclones, release heat through the condensation of water vapour to rain. Approximately...Read full

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What kind of weather is expected from anticyclones?

Ans:Anticyclones set forth clear and settled weather, hence, cold winter weather and sunny warm weather both can be outcomes of anticyclones.

Are anticyclones seen in India?

Ans:Yes, anticyclones are seen in India and as a matter of fact, anticyclones are often held responsible for heat waves.