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Introduction of Eclipses

The topic of eclipses falls under astronomy and general sciences, it is a very basic topic that everyone should know about. The article given below takes you to the same i.e., what is an eclipse? What are the types of Eclipses? What are the myths related to the Eclipses? Let’s dive in to know more about this topic.

The moon revolves around the earth in its orbit just as the earth and the other planets revolve around the sun in their respective orbits. There are times when these heavenly bodies might come in the same straight line and obstruct the view of the people in the sky.

Given below is the complete information of the eclipses that one should know.

What are Eclipses?

Eclipses happen when any heavenly body that can be the moon or any planet comes into the shadow of any other heavenly body. If put simply, Eclipse means: a phase due to which the light is obstructed as one celestial body comes in the shadow of the other celestial body. It is a source of illumination. It is an astronomical event where syzygy can be seen.

(Syzygy: This is an alignment of two or more than two celestial objects in a line)

The term Eclipse can also be used when a spacecraft comes to a position from where it can observe other celestial bodies which are aligned. Eclipses can either be a result of occultation or can be a result of transit.

(Occultation: when one celestial body covers the other celestial body completely)

(Transit: when one celestial body covers the other celestial body partially.)

The binary star system can also form eclipses only if the plane of any of its constituent stars intersect in the observer’s position.

Types of Eclipses

From the earth, two types of Eclipse can be observed which are Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse. The Eclipse can happen two times a year when planes of the earth’s orbit around the sun cross with the plane of the moon’s orbit around the earth when that line intersects the planes on the point near the sun.


Lunar Eclipse is also known as the Eclipse of the moon that occurs only when the earth falls in between the passage of the sun and the moon and hence obstructs the passage of the light to reach its respective destination i.e., the moon’s surface. This casts a shadow on the moon, this can only occur on a full moon day. Lunar Eclipse can be observed thrice in a year. Lunar Eclipse also is categorized in two other forms:

Total Lunar eclipse: it can happen when the earth directly passes in front of the moon and casts a shadow of the full moon.

Partial lunar eclipse: this can only happen when the moon moves in the shadow of the earth.


Solar Eclipse is referred to as the Eclipse of the sun, this Eclipse occurs when the moon comes in between the passage of the earth and the sun. Therefore, the moon obstructs the light of the sun from reaching the earth’s horizon and casts a shadow on it. This can happen on a new moon phase; Solar Eclipse can be observed five times a year.

Due to the distance of the moon from the earth during this Eclipse, three different concealments can be observed which are as follows.

Annular Solar eclipse: It happens when the moon covers the sun, but the sun is visible from the edges of the moon making it look like a bright ring in space.

Partial Solar eclipse: this can happen when the moon is not completely aligned with the sun and is also blocking a partial part of sunlight to reach the earth.

Total Solar Eclipse: This happens when the sun completely covers the moon, and the sky becomes dark as it is night. 

Eclipse Myths and Superstition

Eclipse lord: according to Hindu mythology, an angry Rahu swallowed the sun and the moon completely causing eclipses. But he was not able to keep them in his mouth for long. Neither can he keep them in his hands for long. That is why it is said that Eclipse cannot last long.

Eclipse legends: In ancient Greek mythology, they have believed that the eclipses were a sign of the gods being angry with the humans and the disasters could follow up to bring humans to misery.

In Vietnam, the legend has it that Eclipse occurs when a giant frog swallows the whole sun, and his master Lord Hahn convinces the frog to spit it out.


Eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon that happens when one celestial body covers the path of the other celestial body. It is further divided into two types : Lunar Eclipse and the other is Solar eclipse. The FAQs section attempts to address the most probable queries that might arise. The FAQs section provides additional information which will aid a better understanding of the topic.


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What is meant by the Eclipse?

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What are the types of Eclipses?

Ans: There are two types of Eclipses which are Solar Eclipse, and the other ty...Read full

What is meant by the Lunar Eclipse?

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