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A Detailed Outlook on Meteors

The following article discusses meteors and provides relevant information on extraterrestrial bodies like meteors. We shall look into what meteoroids are and their formation.

Meteors and comets have always wondered people for centuries ever since they have been witnessed either across the expanse of the sky or floating in space. Over time many myths, legends, and cultural significance have grown surrounding the peculiar sight of light flashing across the sky leaving a trail of wonder behind. Based on the location where it is seen, meteors have different nomenclature. Meteoroids means a foreign object in the sky that can vary in size and be anywhere from a dust particle to a smaller asteroid. Meteoroids are the foreign rock objects suspended or traveling in space. 

Meteoroids Meaning

Meteors have been observed in the sky for as long as human memory can be extended. Meteoroids are simply rock objects in space and of various sizes. When a meteoroid enters into another planet’s orbit or atmosphere, it is called meteors. They do so at great speed and leave a trail behind as it burns up by the atmosphere of a planet. Upon surviving the atmosphere, a meteor is called a meteorite as it crashes or hits the surface of a planet. The relevant information on meteors, their facts and the difference between meteor and asteroid has been provided. A meteoroid before becoming a meteor or a meteorite is a metallic or rocky body floating through space. Some are older than some known solar systems in the observable universe. Some predating our solar system. 

Difference between Meteor and Asteroid

The difference between meteor and asteroid is:



These are bigger in comparison

They are smaller in size 

These rocky formations are smaller than planets but orbit a sun

These are a part or fragment of asteroids

They are mainly located in asteroid belts

Meteors are not usually fixed in place but travel or float in the space

Asteroids are found in open space

Meteorites are meteors when they crash into the surface of a planet

These are ancient rock formations created at the start of the system

They are usually a part of asteroids and can be seen as relatively new

The difference between a meteor and asteroid is essentially a matter of portion and distribution. These are all heavenly bodies and have formed during the inception of the universe. 

Formation of Meteors

Meteors are formed when meteoroids are in orbit or are about to enter an atmosphere of a given planet. Meteoroids are created during the disintegration of larger asteroids and comets. The creation of meteors happens on impact, collision, or gradual disintegration in space, with another rock body. Meteors are not asteroids or comets themselves but a distinct part in themselves. Meteorites are formed during the impact with the planet surviving the entry through the atmosphere. 

Meteors Facts

Some meteors facts are:

  • Many meteors occurring simultaneously causes a meteor shower
  • Meteors can be of many colours ranging from red to blue depending on their composition
  • Meteors burn so highly that they leave a trail
  • Sonic boom(sound) is caused by the meteor
  • Meteors are smaller than pebbles or even grains in some cases


Meteors are fascinating objects that float in space. Scientists have been studying the properties and origins of asteroids and meteors for a long time as these might be mysteries regarding the earliest unknown and still unraveling the mystery of the creation of the universe. Meteoroids can be summed up as rock or metal bodies from space that are very smaller than asteroids. The size of meteoroids is between granular to 1m. Objects which are smaller than this measurement are categorised as space dust or micrometeorite.


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