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The Satellites Of Planets

Satellites of Planets provide bird’s-eye view allowing seeing the larger areas of the planets at one time. Read more to know in detail about them.

A satellite is said to be anything that orbits the larger body in the solar system.

Basically, a satellite can be a moon, planet, or man-made machine that revolves around the planet or star. Mostly, the word ‘satellite’ is used for the machine made by human beings that are launched into space and orbits earth or any other celestial body in space.

You might be wondering what a satellite of a planet is? Satellites of Planets are the natural objects in the solar system that orbits the larger celestial bodies (planets, dwarf planets, or small solar system bodies). 

When it comes to the natural satellites, the moon and earth can be considered as one. For instance, planet Earth can be said to be a natural satellite as it revolves around the Sun in space. Likewise, the moon is also a satellite because it orbits the planet Earth. 

Moon- The Natural Satellite Of Planets

Moon is considered as the natural Satellites of Planets. Any large object revolving around the planet in space is called the moon. Natural satellites of planets are oftentimes referred to as moons. These are the solid bodies and few also have atmospheres. There is a theory that discs of gas and dust circulating around the planets in the early solar system are the reason for the formation of most planetary moons. You can discover them in many shapes, types, and sizes. Hundreds of moons are discovered in the solar system.

Usually, the mass of the planet is approximately 10,000 times the mass of any natural satellite that revolves around the same planet. But the Earth-Moon system is a unique exception that can be found in the solar system. The Moon is 1/80th of the mass of the earth and 0.273 times the diameter of the same planet. With a mass ratio of about 1 to 5000, the Neptune-Triton (moon of Neptune) system has the next largest ratio.

List Of The Satellites Of Planets

Below given is the list of the Satellites of Planets:












79 (53 are confirmed and 26 are provision)


82 (53 are confirmed and 29 are provisional)





Facts About The Natural Satellites Of Planets

Now that both Mercury and Venus do not have moons, there are no natural satellites revolving around both planets. Let’s discuss some facts about the natural satellites of the 6 remaining planets:

  • Earth: The planet earth has only one natural satellite which is the Moon. The moon on the earth is ranked fifth place when it comes to the size of other moons in the solar system. It is the presence of the moon on the earth that helps stabilize the wobble and moderate climate on the planet. The moon on earth has a very thin atmosphere which is referred to as the exosphere

  • Mars: When it comes to the Satellites of Planets, Mars has two tiny natural satellites- Phobos and Deimos (known as the moon of Mars). Both have an irregular shape. The diameter and mass of Phobos are 22.2 km and 1.08 x 10^16 kg, respectively. On the other hand, the diameter and mass of Deimos are 12.6 km and 2.0 x 10^15 kg, respectively

  • Jupiter: There are a total of 79 moons (natural satellites) on Jupiter. Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto are the four moons that are grouped at approximately equal distances from the surface of the planet. Many outer moons on this planet have highly elliptical orbits and thus, they orbit opposite to the spin of Jupiter

  • Saturn: Titan- one of the 83 moons on Saturn is larger than planet Mercury. It is the second-largest natural satellite in the solar system and has a nitrogen-rich atmosphere similar to that of the Earth. Only 13 moons on this planet have a diameter greater than 50 km

  • Uranus: All 27 moons (natural satellites) are named after the characters of William Shakespeare and Alexander pope’s works. The moons on Uranus are categorized into three groups- 13 inner moons, 5 major moons, and 9 irregular moons. The orbits of both inner and major moons are prograde while irregular moons on this planet have retrograde orbits. When it comes to the eighth-largest moon in the solar system, it is Titania

  • Neptune: Neptune has 14 moons (natural satellites), out of which Triton is the largest one. The outermost moon of Neptune, Neso has an orbital period of 26 Julian years. It orbits farther from Neptune than any other moon orbits its planet in the solar system


In astronomy, the natural Satellites of Planets can be referred to as smaller bodies revolving around the larger bodies in the solar system. The term natural satellites of planets is used for the moons that revolve around their respective planets. In case you are preparing for the NDA exam then consider studying the satellites of the planets as an important topic of subject General Science. This article will let you know everything about the satellites of all 8 planets present in the solar system.


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