The President

It is the President who is the head of the state of the Republic of India and is also referred to as the first citizen of the country. Here in this article, you will get to know the details regarding the qualification, appointment, tenure, and power of the President.

Who Is The President? 

In terms of India, the President of the country is known as executive head of the state and commander-in-chief of the Indian Armed Forces. Also, he is referred to as the first citizen of the nation. He is considered as the symbol of solidarity, unity, and integrity of the country. The President of the country is a vital part of the Union Executive. 

How the President Is appointed In India?

When it comes to the appointment of the President of India, there are no direct elections. It is the Electoral College that elects him and it includes the below-mentioned elected members of:

  • Both, Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha,

  • The state’s Legislative Assemblies 

  • The Union Territories of Delhi and Puducherry’s Legislative Assemblies

Here is the list of the members who are not allowed to participate in electing the President of the country:

  • 2 nominated members of Lok Sabha and 12 nominated members Rajya Sabha.

  • The State Legislative Assemblies’ nominated members

  • The elected and nominated members of Legislative Councils in the bicameral legislatures

  • The nominated members of the Union Territories of Delhi and Puducherry’s Legislative Assemblies.

What Are The Qualifications To Become A President?

The candidate to become a President of the country needs to meet the vital qualifications as laid down in Article 58 of the Indian Constitution:

  • The candidate must be an Indian citizen and reside in the country.

  • The candidate must attain an age of at least 35 years.

  • The candidate must meet the specified conditions to be elected as a member of the Lok Sabha.

  • The candidate must not hold any office for generating profit under the central government, state government, or any other public authority.

Following mentioned office-holders are eligible to stand as a presidential candidate:

  • The current Vice-president of the country.

  • The governor of any state of the nation.

  • A Minister of any Union or state in the nation. 

What Are The Powers And Functions Of An Indian President?

The powers and functions of the Indian President are divided into seven main categories:

Executive Powers Of The Indian President: 

  • It is the President’s name on whose name each executive action is taken by the Indian Government.

  • It is in his power to make the rules to simplify the business transactions of the central government.

  • It is the President who appoints the attorney general of India and also fixes his remuneration.

  • It is the President who appoints the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, State Governors, Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners, Chairman and members of Union Public Service Commission, and Chairman and other members of the Finance Commission of India.

  • It is the President who appoints inter-state council and administrators of Union territories. 

Legislative Powers Of The Indian President:

  • It is the President who has the power to prorogue the Parliament and dissolve the Lok Sabha.

  • It is the President who summons a joint sitting of both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha in case of deadlock.

  • The Indian Parliament is addressed by the President at the first session of each general election.

  • It is the President who appoints speaker, deputy speaker of Lok Sabha, and chairman and deputy chairman of Rajya Sabha is a case of vacancy.

  • It is the President who has the right to nominate 12 members of the Rajya Sabha.

  • It is the President who recommends or permits the introduction of particular types of bills, like Bill involving creation of states, alteration of boundaries, Transactions involving from Consolidated fund of India.

Financial Powers Of The Indian President:

  • It is essential to obtain the recommendation of the President on priority to introduce the money bill.

  • It is the President who causes the Union Budget to be laid before the parliament of the country.

  • It is essential to obtain the recommendation of the President on priority to make a demand for grants.

  • It is the President who controls the Contingency Fund of the country.

  • It is the President who constitutes the Finance Commission after the completion of every five years.

Judicial Powers Of The Indian President:

  • He has the power to appoint Chief Justice and Judges of the Supreme Court and High Court.

  • As mentioned in Article 72 of the Indian Constitution, the President has pardoning power against the punishment for an offense against union law. 

Diplomatic Powers Of The Indian President:

  • It is the President whose name is used to negotiate and conclude the International treaties and agreements approved by the parliament.

  • The country is represented by the President in the international forums and affairs.

Military Powers Of The Indian President:

The President is the commander-in-chief of the Indian armed forces and has the power to appoint the Chief of the Army, Navy, and Air Force.

Emergency Powers Of The Indian President:

The President has the power to deal with three types of emergencies as stated in the Constitution of India- National Emergency (Article 352), President’s Rule (Article 356 and 365), and Financial Emergency (Article 360).


The president is termed as the executive head of the state and commander-in-chief of Indian Armed Forces. It is essential for the aspirants planning to give the NDA exam to study the details about the President of the country as a vital topic in current affairs. This article will walk you through all information about the President of India including his qualification, appointment, tenure, and powers.


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What is the tenure for which the President holds the office?

Ans : The tenure for which the President holds his office is five years. However, he can hold the p...Read full

How can the office of the President be vacant?

Ans : The office of the President can be vacant in the below-mentioned ways: ...Read full

Who is the current President of India?

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