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The Powers of a High Court Judge

We'll go through the many authorities that a high court judge has at their disposal in this post. Know more about this topic in this article.

When most people think of high court judges, they think of powerful individuals who make life-changing decisions. And while this is certainly true, there is much more to a high court judge than meets the eye. In this article, we will discuss the various powers that high court judges have at their disposal. We will also talk about how these powers can be used to benefit society as a whole. If you are interested in learning more about high court judges, then this article is for you!

Who is the Judge Of A High Court? 

The High Court is the highest in the land, and as such, its judges are among the most powerful people in the country. But what exactly are their powers?

  • For starters, High Court judges have the power to hear appeals from lower courts. This means that if you’re unhappy with a decision made by a lower court, you can take your case to the High Court and have it heard by a judge there.
  • High Court judges also have the power to issue warrants and make arrests. This is usually done in cases where someone is suspected of a crime but has not yet been charged. If the police believe that there is enough evidence to charge someone with a crime, they will go to a High Court judge and ask for a warrant.
  • Finally, High Court judges have the power to hand down prison sentences. In most cases, only the most serious crimes are tried in the High Court, so if you’re convicted of one of these crimes, you can expect to receive a harsher sentence than if you were convicted in a lower court.

So there you have it: a brief overview of the powers of a High Court judge.

Qualifications Of A High Court Judge In India

The Constitution lays down the following qualifications for appointment as a Judge of a High Court:-

(i) he must have been an advocate of that court or two or more such Courts in succession for not less than ten years; or

(ii) he must have held a judicial office in the territory of India for not less than ten years;

(iii) he must be a person who is, in the opinion of the President, eminent in some other branch of knowledge.

The appointment of a Judge of a High Court is made by the President after consultation with the Chief Justice of India, the Governor of the State, and, in the case of appointment of a Judge other than the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice of the High Court.

Responsibilities Of A High Court Judge

A High Court Judge is an important figure within the legal system. They are responsible for hearing and deciding on a variety of cases, including criminal and civil matters. In addition to this, High Court Judges also have the power to issue warrants, grant bail and make other important decisions that can affect the outcome of a case.

As you can see, the role of a High Court Judge is both varied and important. If you are interested in becoming a High Court Judge, then you must have a good understanding of the law and the powers that you would be entrusted with.


High court judges have a range of powers that they can use to make decisions in cases before them. These powers include the ability to make binding and final decisions, the power to order parties to do or not do something, and the power to punish people for contempt of court. In some cases, high court judges may also be able to refer a case to another court or issue an injunction. Students should be aware of these powers when considering whether or not to apply for a judicial review.


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What are the powers of a High Court judge?

Ans :The powers of a High Court judge are set out in the Constitution. They include the power to he...Read full

What is the difference between a High Court judge and a Supreme Court judge?

Ans : A High Court judge is a member of the judiciary of England and Wales, which consists of the H...Read full

How many High Court judges are there in England and Wales?

Ans :There are currently 104 High Court judges in England and Wales.

Who appoints High Court judges?

Ans: High Court judges are appointed by the Queen on the advice of the Prime Minister.

What is the role of a High Court judge?

Ans: The role of a High Court judge is to preside over cases in the High Court and to hear appeals from lowe...Read full

What are the qualifications for becoming a High Court judge?

Ans: To become a High Court judge, you must be a barrister or solicitor of at least ten years’ standin...Read full

How are High Court judges selected?

Ans: High Court judges are selected by an independent commission. The Commission considers applications from...Read full