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The concept of Facts related to world

What are the facts and effects of the 86% global adult literacy rate? find out How nearly two people die every second and only a 2% rate is of babies being born as twins. Read this article to find out further details.

This article will talk about the facts around the globe. We will talk about the death rate, adult literacy rate, and, twin birth rate and why it’s important to understand them. So keep reading. 

The global adult literacy rate is around 86%

Due to great progress in literacy rates around the world, nearly 773 million adults still lack basic literacy skills.

Facts about adult literacy rate around the world:-

  • 86% of the population older than 15 years globally are literate.
  • Burkina Faso, Niger, and South Sudan are some countries with the lowest literacy rate 
  • In 1820, only 12% of the population could read and write, however, in 2016 this rate increased to 14% of people globally remaining illiterate. This means over the last 65 years, the global literacy rate increased by 4% every 5 years.
  • The literacy rate for young women is lower than the rate for young men, especially in poorer countries.
  • The global illiteracy percentage of young girls is still 61.9 percent. 
  • Almost in all countries, youth have higher literacy rates than the older generation.

Impact of Literacy:-

  • reduce intra-country inequality.
  • Literacy empowers women.
  • Reduction in poverty and stabilization in the economy of developing nations.
  • An increase in literacy rate also helps in the decrease of Infant mortality rates.
  • The malnourishment rate also decreases as the literacy rate increases
  • Cases of Aids also decrease with Educated mothers. 
  • Literacy rate decreases crime rates as well

Nearly two people die each second

Do you know? 65 million people die every year in the world which is approx. 178,000 each day, 7425 each hour,120 each minute which means 2 people die each second.

Some causes of death

  • Severe diseases like heart failure and cancer
  • Unintentional injuries are  also a great cause of deaths around the globe
  • Chronic lower respiratory disease is also called Lung conditions like asthma and bronchitis. 
  • Stroke and Cerebrovascular diseases create problems with blood vessels that supply the brain. 
  • Alzheimer’s disease condition come across which decline of cognitive function Diabetes 
  • Influenza  and pneumonia 
  • Criminal activities
  • Accidents
  • Natural deaths
  • Kidney Disease 
  • Suicide

Babies born was a twin, a rate of 2 percent

 Identical twins are conceived when a single egg is fertilized by a single sperm cell then this fertilized egg splits into two embryos. On the other hand, Fraternal twins are conceived when two eggs are fertilized by different sperm cells in the same menstrual cycle. These twins are far more common than the identical twins

Today many fertility treatments are available to raise these chances. These changes also depend on various factors like race, age, number of pregnancies, body type, or family history.

As we know conceiving twins is not so common. In the global birth rate, only 2% is the twin birth rate. To increase this rate numerous treatments have been introduced already and working very effectively as well

IVF (In vitro fertilization) is a treatment that includes manipulation of eggs and sperm on purpose to establish a pregnancy. It’s a process of patience. It also includes a heavy dosage of drugs during the period of ovulation. To keep in mind, this process does not always result in a successful pregnancy.


These medical facts were an eye opener. We need to understand that every day we are working towards new developments whether It’s a case of literacy or medical treatments. We need to be patient and please keep attention to our surroundings .


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the NDA Examination Preparation.

What is the global literacy rate?

Ans : The global literacy rate is 86.3.

What is the literacy rate in France?

Ans : The literacy rate in France is 99.00%

What is the literacy rate in India?

Ans: The literacy rate in India is 75%

What is the ovulation period?

Ans: The 14 days before periods is called ovulation. This is the most fertile stage of women’s monthly cycle....Read full

What are the most common causes of death?

Ans. There are many different causes of death, but some of the most common include heart disease, cancer, and stroke...Read full