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State Public Service Commision

The following article encompasses everything about the State Public Service Commision. It highlights the roles, responsibilities, duties, and importance of the State Public Service Commission.

The Indian Constitution prescribes the formation of constitutional bodies. There are many independent authorities under constitutional bodies, out of which State Public Service Commission is one of the independent authorities. Just as UPSC at the centre, there is a state Public Service Commission. Article 315 to 323 in part XIV of the constitution deal with the various provisions of SPSC. So the same article deals with both UPSC and SPSC. The state public service commission is considered the watchdog of the Merit system. 

Constitutional Bodies:

The Indian constitution prescribes the formation of the constitutional authorities. Its rights and powers are in the hand of the Constitution itself. The constitutional bodies’ powers and functions cannot be changed by any regular, private, or government bill but only by passing a constitutional amendment bill. There are various bodies under the Constitution of India, and the real meaning of constitutional bodies will be understood after reading the full article. The authorities enjoy different powers, have different features and functions, and have different responsibilities that they need to fulfil. 

Constitutional bodies have many responsibilities and perform many functions according to which a country or a state is constituted or governed.

Some  important Functions of the Constitution are the following:

  • The most important function of the constitution is to ensure the fundamental rights of its citizens.

  • The constitution is responsible for laying out the procedures for several administrations, functions, execution of the government machinery, and legislation.

  •  A set of basic rules is provided by the constitution that maintains the harmony of society.

  • The specification of who makes decisions in society lies in the hand of the constitution.

  • The constitution limits the government to impose decisions on the citizens.

  • The constitution encourages the government to fulfil citizens’ aspirations.

  • The constitution limits the government to impose decisions on the citizens.

  • The constitution encourages the government to fulfil citizens’ aspirations.

  • The constitution defines the powers of the organs of government.

  • It states the fundamental principles, aspirations and objectives of a country.

  • It helps to protect the rights of the citizens.

  • It helps to prevent arbitrarily ruled by the leaders.

  • It explains the “do’s and don’ts of the government.

  • It specifies the system of government to be adopted.

Various  Constitutional Bodies:

  1. Election Commission

  2. Finance Commission

  3. State Public Service Commission

  4. Attorney General of India

  5. Comptroller and Auditor General of India

  6. Advocate General of the State

  7. Inter-State Council

  8. Goods and Services Tax Council

  9. Union Public Service Commission

About State Public Service Commision

  • After the commission members of the commission and the chairman have been appointed, their conditions of service cannot be varied. 

  • The Consolidated Fund of the state takes charge of the entire expenses of the SPSC.

  • The main function of the SPSC includes the conduction of all examinations for the appointment to the services of the state.

  • The SPSC also looks into any claim for reimbursement of legal expenses borne by a Civil Servant. 

Composition of State Public Service Commission:

  • Governor appoints the chairperson and other members of the SPSC. The number of other members is left to the discretion of the governor. 

  • The commission members have a term office of six years, or if they reach the age of 62, their term ends.

  • Almost half of the committee members should have experience holding office under the government of India or state government for at least ten years.

Removal of State Public Service Commission:

Only the president has the authority and power to remove the chairman and other State public service commission members. The president can remove the chairman and other State public service commission members, although the governor appoints them. There are some cases and situations for removing the chairman and other State public service commission members. Only the president can remove the chairman and the other union public service commission members if any situation happens.

  • The president can remove the chairman and other members of SPSC under the following situations.

  1. If he’s adjudged an insolvent.

  2. While in office, if he engages in paid employment.

  3. If he gets unfit because of the infirmity of mind or body. 

  4. If there is any misbehaviour from his side.

  • In the case of misbehaviour, the president has to refer the matter to the Supreme Court for enquiry. The advice of the Supreme Court is binding on the president.

Independence of State Public Service Commission:

Following are some measures of independence enjoyed by the chairman and the other State public service commission members.

  • There is a favour offered to the members of SPSC and the chairman, and that is the security of tenure.

  • Their conditions of service cannot be varied after the appointment.

  • Their entire expenses are charged on the consolidated Fund of the state.

  • The chairman of SPSC is not eligible for any other future employment under the Government of India or a state other than for appointment as chairman or member of UPSC or as the chairman of other SPSC.

Functions of State Public Service Commission:

  • SPSC deals with all disciplinary matters affecting a person in civil capacity SPSC.

  • If there is any claim for reimbursement of any legal expenses by a civil servant, it is looked into by the SPSC.

  • The appointment to the service of the state requires the clearance of certain examinations. The SPSC conducts these.


The Constitution of India is the supreme law of India. It lays down all the rules and regulations that the nation should abide by and is the framework for political principles, procedures, duties and powers of government. The constitution consists of many bodies that perform important functions and responsibilities for the betterment of the country. This article discussed the State Public Service  Commission, its composition, its independence, and removal. It performs many functions and has many responses. It mainly focuses on conducting the exams for appointment to services under the State.


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