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Roles Of A Prime Minister And How A Prime Minister Is Elected

In a parliament or presidential administration, the prime minister seems to be the chief of the administration and the leader of the members in the executive arm of the current government. Within these systems, the prime minister seems to be the head of a government that is in power rather than being the head of the state or a monarchy. The prime minister often works under a monarch with a democratic constitutional monarchy and perhaps a president in a republic nation.

In many administrations, the prime minister appoints and dismisses other cabinet ministers, as well as appoints & dismisses political figures of a government. The prime minister seems to be the governing member as well as chairman of a cabinet for democratic nations all around the world. A prime minister seems to be the individual elected to supervise the public sector and carry out the directions as the head of state in a democratic system, particularly semi-presidential systems.

How are Prime Ministers Elected in India?

India’s system is based on a parliamentary government administration, with the Prime Minister possessing executive powers. The Prime Minister of India gets nominated by the President instead of being directly voted in by the people like an election. Instead, the Prime Minister of the country would be selected by the leaders of the political party that wins with an overall majority throughout the Lok Sabha.

The president of India appoints the prime minister, but the prime minister must support the majority of the members of Lok Sabha. They are elected democratically by the people every five years. The prime minister has sole authority over the appointment and removal of council members or Ministers, as well as the assignment of roles within an elected government. The committee responsible for the Lok Sabha under Article 75(3) helps the President executes the Lok Sabha functions; nonetheless, the authority’s ‘aid as well as advice’ is enforceable as per Article 74 in the Constitution.

Eligibility of Prime minister:

  • The contestant must be an Indian citizen.
  • They must be a representative of the Lok Sabha, the Lower House of the People or the Rajya Sabha, which is the Higher Houses of the People.
  • The nominee has to be 25 years old (minimum) if they are an active member in the Lok Sabha. However, if the nominee represents the Rajya Sabha, they should be 30 years old (minimum).
  • The President has the power to designate a new Prime Minister that isn’t an active member of both houses of Parliament. However, the chosen candidate has to later serve in either the Lok Sabha or the Rajya Sabha six months after being elected.
  • The contender must belong to the political party or alliance that received the most votes from the public in the Lok Sabha.
  • The nominee shall not have a profit-making position in the Indian cabinet, government services, or any other state’s government.

Functions and powers related to the prime minister:

  • The President of India appoints the Cabinet ministers on the Prime Minister’s recommendation.
  • The Prime Minister seems to be in office for about five years. However, the individual could remain in office as long as they have the majority of votes within the Lok Sabha. However, if the individual loses a show of support or confidence within the Lok Sabha, their tenure may end.
  • The Prime Minister chooses whether ministers will be appointed to various departments, and the prime minister has the authority to modify any minister’s assigned position.
  • He also presides and oversees meetings of the Cabinet of Ministers, and the prime minister has the authority to modify decisions as they see fit.
  • In the event of a dispute or conflict, the prime minister can ask another minister to quit or urge the president to remove him.
  • The prime minister additionally supervises and coordinates all the Ministers’ duties that work under them.


The article explains in brief about the prime minister and their roles and duties, which are crucial to every citizen as they vote for them and want their needs and demands met. The prime minister helps in achieving that as he governs a whole administration. The article also touches on key points such as how the prime minister is related to the president and the overall functioning of a government currently in the majority.


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