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Role of Parents Towards Right To Education

The article contains a brief description of the right to education in India and the roles of parents in fulfilling the same.

India is a young country. The majority of the population here is of youth. The government, as well as society, have realised that to use the potential of this young generation, education has to be imparted at its best. The country has some of the best colleges globally and the most advanced human brains that anyone can have. 

Every year a massive wave of foreign companies come and pick up the best possible brains for the growth and development of their firms. But one of the most prominent issues which cannot be covered by the glorifying demand of Indian minds is the proportion of good colleges in comparison to the number of students eligible to get admission in them. As a result, unemployment rises, and better career scopes are limited and not apt. 

There is an extreme level of pressure on students from their parents as well as the whole society to prove themselves by getting the best institutions and companies for themselves. Still, this competition has a very adverse impact on the mental health of kids. Suicides rates have increased, and students often find themselves focusing more on getting a job rather than enriching their minds with knowledge. The definition of education in India has become proportionate to the job profile a student gets. This article will deal with the role of parents in all this and the way they can help their children.

Right to Education (RTE)

On one side, many students fulfill their dreams of the best colleges and high paying jobs. On the other side, there are a large number of children who don’t even get access to basic education because of poverty or the conservative mindset of their parents. The literacy rate of India is 80%, and the proportion of educated girls is 65%. This is the reason behind the existence of the right to education. As per the right to education act, education is a fundamental right of children from the age of 6 to 14 years. It is compulsory for private educational institutions that provide elementary education to receive one-fourth of the seats for economically backward kids. 

It came into action on 4th August 2009. India is a country with unequal wealth distribution, resulting in a majority of people being poverty-stricken and unable to afford education. The right to education act has made it compulsory that a child studying at a government school will not pay any fee. Besides that, it is a legal obligation on all the concerned government authorities to ensure accurate execution of this right and make sure to get all the children enrolled in schools.

Parent’s Role in Children’s Education

Parents are the gateway to the world for a child. Every aspect of a child is a result of the influence which parents have on them. Right from the moment that they are born, children change the world of their parents as everything revolves around them. It is the responsibility of parents to look after their needs and the way they are growing up. 

There is a very common saying in India that a child is like raw pitchers which can be nourished with values and morals and moulded in whatever way their parents want them to. Parents often think that a child listens and acts according to their words, but their actions are followed by their offspring. If the parents are ethical, morally strong, and truthful, the child will probably turn out the same way. If they are the other way round, then the child can also result in a liability to the family and the whole society. 

It is extremely important to give a loving and cheerful environment in the house to the kids as it will help in better development and good mental health. If there are constant quarrels or domestic violence in the house, there will be extreme levels of stress and an adverse impact on the mental condition of the child, which will also hamper their overall development. It is the responsibility of the family to develop certain emotions like compassion and empathy towards all creatures so that they become a blessing to humankind.

Mother’s Special Role in Children’s Education

A mother is the first teacher of the child. She teaches them to speak a d to feel. She keeps them close to herself to develop feelings of compassion and love. A mother is the most important aspect of a child’s life where a child grows around her right from the womb and the moment of birth till they are grown up to be sent into society. 

Mothers are selfless and powerful. They have the mental strength to suffer all the adversities for their child’s growth. Children feel a sense of immense security around their mothers, who are fearless and protect them from physical and emotional harm. It is often said that educate a man, and you’ll educate just him, but when you educate a woman, you educate a whole generation because a woman is the one who mentors the child in every aspect.


Both the parents are an important aspect of a child’s life where children learn more from them than anyone else. They nourish the child to become a responsible human being who will significantly contribute to the world.


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When was the RTE act introduced in India?

Ans : The right to education act was enacted on 4th August 2009.

What is the most significant role of parents in child education?

Ans : Parents who are able to spend quality time with their children and take a keen interest in their kids’ studi...Read full