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Overview on most interesting facts

Do you know all the things and facts about the ozone layer. Want to know about these? Read the further article to know more about these most interesting facts.

Ozone provides a protective layer over the Earth’s atmosphere, absorbing dangerous UV radiation, which can harm every one of us. Want to know more interesting facts about the ozone layer. Read this article. 

The Earth’s ozone layer will make a full recovery in 50 years

The whole world shunned scientists who found a large hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica in 1985. Public health experts immediately started warning that the increasing intensity of UV radiation now penetrating the atmosphere will significantly increase the chances of skin cancer and cataracts. They also stated the damage to global crops. 

Ozone is a slightly bluish gas composed of three oxygen atoms. The ozone layer is also known as stratospheric ozone. It helps to shield the planet from UV radiation. The ozone layer absorbs all the deadly radiation and most of the harmful radiation emitted by the sun 

In the Northern Hemisphere and mid-latitudes, ozone is likely to recover completely in the next ten years at 1% to 3% per decade, according to the latest Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion. As a result, the Southern Hemisphere is expected to improve by the 2050s and the polar regions by the 2060s. By 2030, 2 million cases of skin cancer are estimated to be prevented globally.

While the results are positive, it will still take another 50 years for the ozone layer to fully heal, since CFCs and other manufactured chemicals can remain in the atmosphere for up to 100 years. Paul Newman, NASA, estimates that two-thirds of the ozone would have been destroyed by 2065 if the measures hadn’t been implemented. But we shouldn’t celebrate yet – at least for now. Scientists have discovered the largest hole in the ozone layer in history above the Arctic.

According to reports, this ozone hole is smaller than the one in Antarctica. Antarctica’s ozone hole can cover 25 million square km, but this one only covers less than one million square km. And this was caused by extreme weather.

Japan is the world’s most earthquake-prone country

Geologically, Japan is prone to earthquakes. Earthquakes are caused by the stresses caused by the earth’s tectonic plates moving. It is believed that Japan and earthquakes are linked due to its location along the “Pacific Ring of Fire,” where it is sandwiched between three tectonic plates, including the Pacific Plate under the Pacific Ocean and the Philippine Sea Plate.

A major earthquake may also strike directly under Tokyo or another large urban city that is not accustomed to earthquakes or not seismically retrofitted, since earthquakes can also occur within a tectonic plate rather than in the sea. Fortunately, most buildings are built to resist earthquakes. Some are designed with the top part able to withstand an earthquake as it happens. 

Africa and Asia are home to nearly 90 percent of the world’s rural population

In Africa, there are about 60 percent of the world’s absolute poor. In Asia, the number is closer to 70 percent.

The vast majority of the world’s poor live in rural areas and work in agriculture.

Agricultural productivity is low in many parts of the world because of a lack of investment, technology, and infrastructure.

Poor farmers often can’t afford to buy inputs like fertilizer and seeds, or they may not have access to irrigation water. As a result, their crops are less productive, and they remain trapped in poverty.

One way to help reduce poverty is to increase agricultural productivity. This can be done by investing in infrastructure and supporting smallholder farmers.

It is also important to increase access to education and training so that farmers can learn about new technologies and practices.

When smallholder farmers can increase their productivity, they can earn more income and lift themselves out of poverty.

Another way to increase agricultural productivity is by using technology. One example of this is precision agriculture, which is a type of agriculture that uses technology to increase yields. Precision agriculture can help farmers to save water, reduce costs, and increase profits.

Technology can also be used to improve access to markets. For example, mobile phones can be used to connect farmers to buyers or to allow farmers to sell their products online.

There are many ways to increase agricultural productivity. By using these methods, we can help reduce poverty and improve the lives of people in Africa and Asia.


These are some of the facts related to the world in aspects of the ozone layer, about japan and the rural population of Africa and Asia. People in Africa and Asia are mainly involved in agriculture. Out of the whole world, Japan is the most prone to earthquakes. This can be because of many factors like geography etc. 


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