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Medical research institutes in India

If you want to understand more about the medical research institutes in India and top national institutes like ICMR Chennai, read this page; you'll discover all you need to know.

Medical Research Institutes in India were the foundational stone towards providing ample opportunity in research and to build a better Healthcare facility for people. These Research Institutes dedicatedly work towards a single disease and try to find a long-term solution via applied and operational field research. In the meantime, these institutes also treat patients utilising every opportunity of serving the nation. The Indian government has accepted the recommendation of the Committee of the Chief Ministers on Healthcare for setting up of Medical Research Institutes of India (MCRI) across the country to promote research in the healthcare sector and improve healthcare standards. The Committee of the Chief Ministers on Healthcare was formed in 2017 to recommend measures to be taken by the government to improve the healthcare system in the country. The Indian Medical Research Institutes Association (IMRA) which had sent a representation to the Committee in support of the setting up of the medical research institutes expressed its happiness over the government’s decision. The setting up of the medical research institutes will help in developing and introducing newer drugs much faster.

Medical research institutes in India

There are hundreds of medical research institutes in India. Some of them are among the best in the world. India has a broad range of medical research institutes – from government-run hospitals to large universities, to private healthcare providers. The country also has a large network of private medical research institutes.

India is a land of opportunity and diversity. It has a rich history and culture and has evolved into a vibrant, thriving economy. Its medical research institutes are no different — they have evolved over time to become some of the best in the world. In fact, Indian medical research is poised for a major breakthrough in the coming years.

Listed below are the topmost medical research institutes in India:

  • All India Malaria Research Institute
  • National Tuberculosis Institute
  • Indian Cancer Research Center
  • Indian Veterinary Research Institute
  • Institute of Ayurvedic Studies and Research
  • VallabhBhai Patel Chest Institute
  • Haffkine Institute
  • National Institute of Communicable Diseases
  • School of Tropical Medicine
  • Central Leprosy Training and Research Institute
  • P. G.I. Medical Education and Research
  • National Institute of Nutrition
  • King Institute of Preventive Medicine
  • National Institute of Occupational Health
  • All India Institute of Hygiene & Public Health
  • Indian Institute of health management research
  • Indian Council of Medical Research


India has a rich history of providing quality medical care. The country has a strong network of top-class medical institutes, including the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), which is often referred to as the Harvard of the East. India has a strong pharmaceutical industry and has become a hub for medical tourism. The country is also home to some of the best surgeons in the world.

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) was founded in New Delhi to promote, coordinate, and formulate biomedical research. On the one hand, the ICMR has always strived to fulfil the expanding needs for scientific breakthroughs in biomedical research, and on the other, the need to develop practical answers to the country’s health concerns. The ICMR has gone a long way from its days as the IRFA, but the Council is fully aware that it still has a long way to go in terms of scientific accomplishments and health goals. Plasmodium vivax, which accounts for 93 to 99.4% of all malaria cases in Tamil Nadu, is the most common malaria parasite in Chennai, accounting for 53.6 percent to 78.8% of all cases. In response, the government created the International Centre for Malaria Research (ICMR Chennai) in July 1986 to better study the transmission dynamics of malaria in an urban ecotype.


You must have learned a great deal about the medical research institutes and ICMR Chennai. To summarise, Research is an integral part of education in India and has a long and illustrious history. Early medical research was spearheaded by the Arya Vaidya Gurukul, founded by the first physician of the modern age, Charka, in the 16th century. That concludes our discussion of Indian medical research institutions in India. If you have any concerns or questions about this topic, please review the text, and if you want to learn more about another related topic, remain in touch with us.


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What is ICMR?

Ans- The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) was set up in 1961 to promote medical research in the country. Th...Read full

What is ICAR?

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When ICMR Chennai was established?

Ans- ICMR Chennai was established in July 1986.

Who is the head of the ICMR?

Ans- Professor Balram Bhargava is the head of the Indian council of medical research.