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Know More About Boundary Lines

The Importance Of International Boundary Line In The World, Location Of International Boundaries, Issues Surrounding Boundary Line, Some famous International Boundary Line in the World

The boundaries of the world are not always clear. There are many disputes over who owns what. These disputes have led to some wars and conflicts, which have been very costly in terms of lives and money.

Today, there are different ways to define the boundaries of a country. One way is to use natural resources as a boundary line, while another way is to use geographical features such as rivers, mountains.

The Importance Of International Boundary Line In The World

International boundaries are the lines on a map that separate and distinguish one country from another. They are also called international borders, national borders, or simply borders.

International boundaries are used to regulate the movement of people, goods, and ideas across national boundaries. They can be used for purposes such as customs control, immigration control, or the establishment of territorial sovereignty.

International boundaries can be created in many ways including by drawing a straight line on a map (as is done with most national boundaries), by drawing an equidistant line from two points on the globe (as is done with some maritime boundaries), or by following natural features such as rivers or mountain ranges (as is done with some international borders).

Location Of International Boundaries

International boundaries are drawn to separate the land and people of one country from those of another.

The location of international boundaries is determined by the agreements between states that divide the territory, such as treaties or conventions. These agreements may have been made many years ago, or they may have been negotiated more recently.

Some international boundaries are not clearly defined on land but exist in the sea or outer space. These are known as maritime boundaries and outer space boundaries respectively.

Issues Surrounding Boundary Line

The international line is a communication channel that is used to communicate with someone who does not speak the same language. It can be used for business, travel, or personal use.

The following are some of the issues surrounding the boundary line:

  • Language barriers
  • Cultural differences
  • Time zone difference

Since the introduction of international lines, the number of international calls has increased significantly. However, there are still many issues surrounding them. The main issue is that international calls are still more expensive than local calls. In addition, there are still many people who do not have access to an international line which makes it difficult for them to communicate with others outside their country.

Some famous International Boundary Line in the World

Mannerheim Line

The Mannerheim Line was a defensive fortification built by Finland in the 1920s to protect its capital, Helsinki, from attack from the east.

This International Boundary Line in the World was constructed on the Karelian Isthmus, on the border between Finland and Russia. It was named after its designer General Baron Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim.

The International Boundary Line in the World consisted of large concrete bunkers and pillboxes connected by trenches. The bunkers were designed to withstand artillery fire but were not intended to stand up to assaults with heavy weapons such as tanks or aviation.

McMohan Line

The McMohan Line is a line named after Sir Henry McMohan. It is an international boundary between India and China running from eastern side of Bhutan to Arunachal Pradesh. Sir Henry Mcmohan was a Secretary under the British Government, who determined the McMohan line.

38th Parallel

The 38th Parallel Line is an international boundary line in the world that separates North Korea and South Korea. It is also the dividing line between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) and the Republic of Korea (South Korea). 

The 38th Parallel Line, which was established by Japan’s surrender in 1945, has been a symbol of division, separation, and conflict ever since. In 1953, an armistice agreement was signed which led to a ceasefire but no peace treaty. This agreement led to a demilitarized zone (DMZ) on both sides of the parallel line. The DMZ is one of the most heavily guarded borders in existence today with armed guards from both countries patrolling

Oder-Neisse line

The Oder-Neisse line is an international boundary line in the world between Poland and Germany. It was created after World War II at the Potsdam conference. The line was drawn to be by the wishes of Polish leader Josef Stalin, who wanted Poland to have access to the baltic sea.

Inter-Entity Boundary Line

The Inter-Entity Boundary Line is the international boundary line in the world between two Bosnia and Herzegovina. The boundary line is drawn by a person or machine. The boundary is drawn to protect one entity from another or to protect both entities from a third entity.


The international boundary line in the world is the lines that separate one country from another. They are often called borders. These lines help to define the different countries and also show their geographical boundaries.

We can look at various examples of political boundaries to better understand how they work. For example, there is the border between Canada and the United States, which is called the Canada-United States border. Another example is the border between Brazil and Paraguay, which is called the Brazil-Paraguay Border.


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