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How To Strive Towards Excellence

The following article discusses the significance of Fundamental Duties and the concept of the 10Th Fundamental Duty under the Constitution of India.

Fundamental duties are the fundamental norms that every citizen should stick to willingly as he is obliged to society and the nation. These are the ethics that should be applied in the citizens’ daily lives. Citizens are accountable for their basic behaviour towards the society they exist in.

In 1976, the Government placed the Sardar Swaran Singh Committee to craft references about fundamental duties. The Government endorsed the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act in 1976. Part IV-A which contains just one Article 51 A, was inserted into the Constitution by 42nd Amendment, 1976.

This Article stipulated the eleven essential duties for the citizens. The Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution are adopted after being inspired by the Constitution of the USSR.

As per Article 51A of the Indian constitution, it shall be the duty of each citizen of India:

(a) To stand by the Constitution and value its principles and establishments, the National Anthem and the National Flag

(b) To value and pursue the noble ideals that motivated the national struggle for freedom

(c) To sustain and defend the sovereignty, unity, and uprightness of India

(d) To protect the country and provide national service when called upon to do so

(e) To endorse accord and the strength of universal brotherhood among all the people of India surpassing casteist, linguistic, and communal or sectional differences and to reject practices offensive to the self-esteem of women

(f) To value and protect the rich tradition of the country’s composite civilization

(g) To defend and advance the natural environment comprising forests, lakes, rivers, and wildlife, and to have empathy for living creatures

(h) To expand scientific temper, humanism, and the spirit of inquisition and improvement;

(i) To defend public property and to reject violence

(j) To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation continuously rises to higher levels of attempt and achievement

(k) To offer opportunities for education to his child or ward amid the age of six and fourteen years.

The duties integrated into the Constitution are constitutional duties and shall be enforceable by law. Accordingly, by law, Parliament will grant penalties to be inflicted for collapse to fulfill those duties and responsibilities.

Let’s discuss the 10th Fundamental Duty, i.e. To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement:

The 10th essential and Fundamental duty is cited in article 51(A) (j). In plain words, this duty promotes the citizen to work efficiently in whatever fields they can, as an individual and combined, and consequently fetch pride to the country by falling in line.

As conscientious citizens, whatever work we get should aim to accomplish the goal of distinction so that our country continuously augments to higher levels of endeavour and triumph. This clause has the perspective to reinforce and restructure the country and lift it to the highest possible level of excellence.

This fundamental duty is of great significance as our constitution-makers were conscious of the damage our country and people endured during British rule. There is a deep diversity in the country; nevertheless, they attempted to ignite an inherent patriotism uniting it with personal development and accomplishment by inserting such a duty in the constitution. It ensures that citizens have the liberty to work and attain milestones in different fields and be praised evenly.

It promotes them to work as a squad for the country to accomplish a place at the international level that each citizen dreams of.

What is good governance?

Good governance is the course of determining how public institutions carry out public affairs and administer public resources, and pledge the comprehension of human rights in a manner fundamentally free of mistreatment and corruption and with due consideration for the rule of law. Governance is “the procedure of administrative operations and the progression by which pronouncements are applied. Governance in this context can apply to corporate, international, national, or local governance plus the relations between other regions of society.

Therefore, the perception of “good governance” surfaces as a model to evaluate unproductive economies or political bodies with feasible economies and political bodies. The concept focuses on the accountability of governments and governing bodies to assemble the needs of the masses compared to specific groups in society.


The fundamental duties are very much the quintessence of our country; it’s what makes us exclusive in ways. Even if several might be incapable of performing their duties, their determination and efforts to attain endeavours for the country are valued. And when every person in our country is proficient at accomplishing their fundamental duties, our country will reach its glory.


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How can Fundamental Duties be implemented?

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