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How To Rise Nation To Higher Levels Of Endeavor And Achievement

When talking about a developed country, it is a sovereign state having a high quality of life, advanced technological infrastructure, and a developed economy. The question here is how to raise the nation to higher levels of endeavour and achievement. The teamwork of both the government and citizens can lead a country to growth and development. 

Here in this article, the role of government, citizens, and education in the country’s development is discussed. 

Role of government in the nation’s development:

According to the Indian constitution, the government needs to frame and enforce laws and policies favouring the growth and development of the nation. The government, directly and indirectly, contributes to the development of the country:

  • Agricultural growth: India is an agro-based nation, and around 67% of the Indian population contributes about 22% of the country’s GDP. There are several reasons like improper land tenure system or usage of traditional irrigation system that India witnesses lower agricultural productivity. The government has come forward and implemented several measures to overcome these agricultural challenges.
  • Industrial Growth: the government, from time to time, comes up with policies for different industries like proper credit facilities, adequate subsidies, etc., that facilitate the industrial growth of the country.
  • Development of socio-economic Infrastructures: The country needs to have a developed social-economic infrastructure so that smooth teamwork between agriculture, industrial and tertiary sectors can be maintained. The government invests a huge amount of money in building efficient socio-economic infrastructure (hospitals, education, communication, housing, transport, power, etc.) of the country.
  • Maintaining Law and Order: It is the responsibility of the government to maintain law and order in the country so that citizens can live a high quality and peaceful life. 

Role of Citizens in the country’s development:

Citizens are the one who forms the nation. It is not only the government but also citizens who are responsible for the growth and development of the country. Abiding by the fundamental Duties of the Citizens as mentioned in the Indian constitution, people can lead the country to a higher level of endeavour and achievement. 

Following are some fundamental duties of citizens in the Indian constitution:

  • To abide by the constitution and respect its ideals and institutions: It is the fundamental duty of all people of the country to respect the ideals including liberty, fraternity, justice, equality, and institutions including executive, legislature, and judiciary to maintain peace and order in the nation.
  • To uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity, and integrity of the country: It is the united and integrated nation that can develop and prosper. Therefore, the citizens must live together with the feeling of brotherhood despite differences in caste, culture, religion, creed, gender, and colour.
  • To value and preserve the rich heritage of the country’s composite culture: The culture and heritage of India are considered the noblest and attract tourists from different parts of the world. Citizens must protect the rich heritage that the country has inherited from the past and preserve it for the future. 
  • To protect and improve the natural environment: The natural environment, including wildlife, forests, plants, water bodies, mountains, and deserts, all-natural reserves are considered the most valued assets of the nation, and hence everyone must protect the same. 
  • To develop the scientific temper, humanism, and the spirit of inquiry and reform: The country needs to learn from the experiences and development around the world for it to develop. The people must protect and promote scientific temper and spirit of inquiry so that the nation can easily keep pace with the fast-changing world.

Role of Education in the nation’s development:

All level of education is considered an important stepping-stone for the growth and development of the country. Education here can be referred to as the stock of knowledge, skills, competencies, and productivity-enhancing characteristics. From the fundamental kindergarten to advanced courses at the university, each class contributes to the economic improvement of the mind. Education is a significant component of a nation’s human capital as it increases the efficiency of individual workers and helps a country like India to develop the value chain beyond manual tasks or simple production processes. When talking about the leading determinant of a nation’s economic growth, employment, and earnings, it is education. 


Every country looks for ways to lead itself to higher levels of endeavour and achievement. It is the contribution of both the government and citizens that can help the nation achieve growth and development. The government, by focusing on industrial and agricultural growth, efficient utilization of resources, maintaining law and order, etc., and the citizens by abiding by the fundamental duties as mentioned in the Indian constitution, can lead a country to success. 


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