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Freedom of Speech and Expression Are Vital To the Existence of a Democracy

Freedom of speech and expression lie at the center of our basic fundamental rights. The freedom to share our views and express our feelings without the fear of repercussions is what keeps the country up and running. They are not only fundamental to the functioning of a healthy democracy; they are also fundamental to the essence of a civilized and free society. There has been a list of acts and bills, and laws that have been made to safeguard our basic rights.

Article 19 of the Indian constitution:

Article 19 of the Indian constitution deals with the safeguarding of some particular rights related to the freedom of speech as well as movement. It lays down provisions for the following mentioned below. It says that all citizens shall have the right

  1. To freedom of speech and expression;
  2. To assemble peaceably and without arms;
  3. To form associations or unions;
  4. To move freely without any obstruction throughout the Indian territory;
  5. To reside as well as settle in any place or part of the Indian territory; and
  6. To practice any profession of their choice, or to carry on any business, trade, or occupation

Freedom of speech and expression, in particular, has been made the focus of this article because they are believed to be the core of the common freedom that everyone should have for ensuring their natural, healthy growth.

What does freedom mean for society?

Freedom of speech and expression for society means that every individual is free to express their belief and expression without the fear of repercussions from society and the government. This freedom also means that they can criticize or oppose vies that they don’t agree with or believe to be detrimental to their development and security.

Freedom of speech and expression also means that they cannot stop other voices like their own. If anyone else is opposed to the views they have, then those people are also entitled to the expression of their opinion and displeasure. The government, too, cannot step in and stop this expression of views. On the contrary, the government must work to ensure that such basic rights of the people are not trampled upon.

Freedom of assembly:

Freedom to assemble peacefully is one of the oldest basic rights that a person of the state enjoys. It is also integral to keeping us together as a society. Be it any social occasion or a gathering to discuss the problems of a particular class of the population. The right of assembling peacefully and without arms is one of the most basic ones.

Freedom to assemble, however, does not mean that one is going to assemble for violence and creating social unrest. It has been said in the constitution that doing any such activity will be punishable by imprisonment and legal action. The negative implications of the said freedoms have been taken into account, too, while setting down the particulars for the freedom we enjoy in our daily life.

Freedom of movement:

Freedom to move freely allows a person to travel to any territory within the borders of India and take up residence anywhere in the country. This freedom means that one is free to explore and get to know the country they live in. it also means that we are not living in a tyrant state. Taking up residence in a place of our choice also allows us the opportunity to grow professionally.

Freedom to move freely also comes with certain limitations. It means that you cannot trespass on private property or go where the entry has been restricted. Violating the guidelines set aside for this purpose will mean that you are liable to face punishment or any other form of legal action.

Limitations on the freedoms:

Freedom of speech and expression comes with limitations too. Anything absolute has the power to corrupt the wielder absolutely. Thus, to prevent the moral decay of society, certain limitations and checks have been placed on society. These limitations and checks have been placed so that these rights are not used to entice violence and corruption in society.

One cannot use the freedom of speech to entice hate in one community against the other. If someone is found invent in such activities, they are liable to face punishment and/or a fine. You cannot slander people or trespass upon the privately-held property. Doing any such thing will not only lead to the suspension of your freedoms but also imprisonment and a possible ban from any such future activity.


Freedom of speech and expression are basic rights necessary for the functioning of a society. It is only during times of emergency that these rights are suspended. But living in a state of emergency also means that you are living under constant stress and can find no outlet for your frustration and feelings. The great constitution of our great nation stands as a guard against any tyranny that might crop up. It also gives us tools to fight against it.


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