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Article 1 in the Indian Constitution represents India as the union of states. The territory of India also represents the territory of all the states.

Article 1 here represents the different territories of this country. The names of the states and the unions have been described under the first schedule of this article. This schedule also provides four parts that are filled with the several rules and laws of this country. This particular article also provides the different names of the territories of this country. Most political leaders of this country were confined with the name India as the union of states. The name and territory of the Union also includes Delhi, Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir and so on. The constituent assembly of this country also played a vital role in developing this article. On the other hand, the constituent assembly rejected some key amendments from the constitution due to the difference of opinions among the different members of the constituent assembly.

Explanation on the Name and territory of the Union

The name and territory of the Union also represents the states that have been included in the union of India. Therefore, the territory of this country also provides political benefits to the country. It also influences the geographical factors associated with this country. The different territories have been included in this particular article. However, the constituent assembly put more importance on including the several territories after the freedom struggle and the Indian independence. The other names and territories of the Union also include Lakshadweep, Pondicherry and so on. Moreover, all these territories have  also been included to form a union of the states. 

Therefore, the senior executives of the constituent assembly have also developed different features as well as concepts regarding this article. All these territories also provide sovereign status to this country. Herein lays the importance of this article in the constitution. This article also helps to give details about the geographical locations as well as the political features of this county. Furthermore, this article in the Indian constitution also provides detailed solutions for the states and the other territories of India. The political leaders of this country also supported the ideas of the Name and territory of the Union and formed this particular article for the benefit of the people of India. It also represents the different areas of the territories of India. Therefore, this article also plays a vital role for the political systems of the country. On the other hand, it also refers to the key areas as well as the nominations of all the states of this country.

Discussion on the Such other territories as may be acquired

Such other territories may be acquired and mentioned in the Indian constitution. On the other hand, the other names of the territories have also been included in the Indian Constitution. Such other territories as may be acquired That have also been included in this particular article of the Indian constitution also include Maharashtra, Kerala, Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh. Different languages and political systems and views have been added to this article. This article also plays a vital role in measuring the boundaries of the states of India. The key features of this particular article include the nomination of all states as well as the union territories of India. Furthermore, other territories that may be acquired and mentioned include Manipur, Marjoram and Tripura. All these states are situated in the North-East part of India.

Explanation on the Admission or establishment of new States

The Admission or establishment of new States here refers to the forming of new rules as well as political systems of the new states of this country. Moreover, parliament also forms new ideas and decisions to make some changes and form new administrative patterns of the establishment of the new states of this country. However, some key terms as well as conditions are always applied for the formation of the new states of this country. There are usually eight union territories mentioned in the constitution. Furthermore, in other words, the names of the different states include Odisha, Jharkhand, Bihar as well as Rajasthan. All these states helped the national political leaders to form the Union of states. Moreover, it also helps to develop the parliamentary systems and the democratic republic of this country. Therefore, it also influences the political ideas as well as the views of this country and its territories.


From the above discussions, it can be concluded that Article 1 helps to understand the political systems and ideas of Indian territories. The name of the entire state of this country has been mentioned in the Indian constitution. However, the Indian constitution is the biggest written constitution in the world. Therefore, this particular article also expresses a deeper insight as well as an understanding of the parliamentary systems of the Indian Constitution. The constitution assembly also plays an important role to form the Name and territory of the Union in the Indian Constitution. This particular article of the Indian Constitution also influences the rest of the articles in the constitution.


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