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Facts Related to World

Glaciers and ice sheets hold about 69 percent of the world's fresh water and the fastest gust of wind ever recorded on Earth was 253 miles per hour. Also, find out why Hawaii is the best place to watch the rainbow.

In this article, you are going to learn about some mind-boggling facts related to the world. Like how glaciers contain so much of the freshwater and why it’s still unusable and how much the wind pressure is at the highest level and how you measure it. At the end of the article, you will also learn an amazing fact about Hawaii. So keep reading to know more.

Glaciers and ice sheets hold about 69 percent of the world’s freshwater

The age of the oldest Glacier in Antarctica may be approx. 1 million years old. Glaciers are large crystalline ice. Glacier ice covers 10% to 11% of all land on earth. All the glaciers melted today. The sea level would rise about 230 ft. These water caps get larger and larger every year as the water in them remains stored without getting melted.

Earth has stored freshwater in many ways like underground storage water or the glacier or lake.

Glaciers help as excellent monitors of climate changes worldwide shrinkage in Mountain Glacier means a sudden increase in temperature. The white ice reflects sunlight to the sky which also affects weather. Moreover, it also affects the aspects of the water cycle very much.

Water secured by glaciers and ice caps cannot be easily retrieved. In the increase, population and its demands or needs will keep increasing in future as well. We should save water as much as we can. To save more water we should cut off every way possible for water wastage, reduce the use of excess water and repair any leaks if present. 

The fastest gust of wind ever recorded on Earth was 253 miles per hour.

The highest wind speed recorded at barrow Island Australia on 10th April 1996 was measured at 253 mph wind gust during tropical cyclone Olivia. 231 mph wind speed was recognized as the previous record measured at the other station of Mount Washington on April 12th, 1934. Must keep in mind that tornadoes can easily exceed these speeds but none of them can be measured by an anemometer so they won’t count.

What is an Anemometer ?

Anemometer is an instrument that measures wind speed. It was made by Leon Battista Albert. This instrument has a spinning wheel that rotates when the wind blows. The stronger the wind blows, the faster the wheel rotates. An anemometer counts the number of rotations which is used to calculate the speed of the wind.

Wind speed can also be determined by measuring air pressure, speed of sound waves, or shining laser beams on tiny particles in the wind and measuring their effect . Anemometer is mostly used by climatologists, pilots, engineers. Aerospace physicists also use this instrument to make the vehicles more aerodynamic.

Wind energy currently supplies over 3% of global electricity consumption and this is expected to exceed 5% in upcoming years.

The best place in the world to see rainbows is in Hawaii.

Aloha State in Hawaii is indeed the best place to watch Rainbow as it turns out that this place can guarantee you see a full bow display nearly every single day. To experience the rainbow at its best all you need is a clear sky and friendly environment which is provided by Hawaii unconditionally. In case you still want to watch Rainbow from end to end still, Hawaii won’t disappoint you. Even in the culture of Hawaii, the rainbow has a very important role you can even spot it in the Hawaiian language there are words for Earth cleaning rainbows, barely visible rainbows, moon Bows, etc according to Hawaiian mythology, represents rainbow as a symbol or transformation and pathway between heaven and earth as it is in many cultures around the world.


Realizing how small things on a daily basis like air and water plays such a vital role in our everyday life. It’s our duty to conserve it and keep it pollution-free. Let’s work hard to make sure we give something back to nature.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the NDA Examination Preparation.

What percentage of freshwater does Glacier and ice cap contain?

The Glacier contains 68.7 percent of freshwater

What percentage of the world's water is ice?

 68% of freshwater is in the form of ice. 

What percentage of the freshwater is in Antarctica?

 70% of the world’s freshwater is in Antarctica

What is the difference between rotor and motor?

 While the motor is a machine that converts any form of energy into mechanical energy and the rotor is a rotating p...Read full

Is Hawaii the rainbow capital of the world?

Yes, Hawaii is declared as the rainbow capital of the world. 

Which Hawaiian Island has the most rainbows?


Is there always a rainbow at Niagara Falls?

Yes, if you stand on the side of Niagara falls you are almost guaranteed to see a rainbow.

What is a 360 degree Rainbow called?

 A circular Rainbow is also called a full circle rainbow.

Is triple Rainbow possible?

 Yes, but it’s very rare there have been only 5 scientific reports of triple Rainbow in the last 250 years....Read full

Wind turbines produce AC or DC?

 The generator produces AC (alternating current)